Pixeludi Pack's default character skin - inspired by the original Minecraft's "Steve" texture.
Every time one of the Steves die - a zombie is spawned into existence...

Alternate Steve - I use this one, myself :-)

A Golem - as MetroFan180 requested... erm, demanded!

Alternate Golem. This one's so old that it's clay body turned into mossy stone...

Peasants are the soil of this land... actually many of them wear a lot of soil on them. No showers, see?

Not many peasants live long enough to lose their farms to a bank and spend the rest of their lives drinking moonshine and swearing at neighbor's kids. This one did :-)

Shiny example of shiny knighthood in a shiny armor. With a fricking feather plume on top ;-)

Stitchcrafted Man - a piece of redstone powers both him and his steampunkish visor!

Goggled Gnome - from the World of Worldcraft to the Island of Minecraft ;-)

Not only first female Pixeludi Minecraft skin, but also first anime-based skin I ever made :-)

Skull Wizard from Hexen II, also known as Spectral Sorcerer. Requested by Metrofan180.

THE Lord of the Sith, as requested by Nevermore18.

Not requested by anyone. No one wants a smelly, grinning goblin. Even if he's got cool tats!

An undead, knight... With skeletal face. That's what you get when you leave your dead knights in the dungeon for too long ;-)

Requested by Demious. The 301st Spartan ;-)

Have you heard? The Gnomes are producing artificial, metallic miners powered by redstone magic!

Every colour you like as long as it's iron. or golden!