Description from original post
(created 2011-11-21 19:21):
Name : Angelo MacLean
Age : 23
Birthplace : Scotland
Nation : United Kingdom
Rank : Midshipman
Equipement : Redstone Integration Gear ; gasmask ; cadet vest ; Head-Up Display googles
Story : The MacLean clann raises the best sailors and the best marines of the Highlands. Tradition requires that each first born in the clan serves the Kingdom in the Royal Navy so does Angelo. He Study in Britannia Royal Naval College and join the Colonial Fleet as soon as he was promoted Midshipman. Angelo was proud to serves the Queen and hoped he could go back to the highland when his duty ends.
He serves on the HMS Hadrian, a class 'Boomerang' stratospheric airship that provide long range firepower. This kind of bomber flies so high that it need the support of lighter ships that mark the target with redstone paintbombs. The lack of dioxygen in the stratophere require that all the crews have to be equiped with the Redstone Integration Gear (RIG). The RIG provide health, combat drugs and vitamins, it also synthesizes dioxygen and filters external air before inhalation. Angelo leads the Artillery battery 'Peacock" on the starboard of the ship.
When the redstone rush rises, the HMS Hadrian join the fleet that defends the australian mines. Then War begins in the Old World and the colonies. Nobody know who strikes first, but the greatest nations of Europe were burned to the ground while tons of bombs were dropped. With no chain of command, the colonial forces have to operate on their own, and fight for the last ressources. Drug and fury are the only thing that Angelo needs now he lost everything. Give him targets.
Comments : My first inspiration was the technopriest in Warhammer 40000, but I thought it was 'too much" then I made a new classical steampunk character but I keep the gasmask and the RIG I picked form Dead Space but this one works with redstone!