Description from original post (created 2011-11-10 18:56):
From the planet Xevien-7 comes the race Intagoven
They have a green or brown skin color. Xevien-7 has a high gravitational pull so they are a increadibly strong boned Species and can withstand space for short periods of time They breath a mix of Sulfur/Carbon gases that is why unless you are on Xavien-7 you will see them wearing a breathing device. Most Intagovens uasully have hard low paying jobs but there are plenty of jobs that need to be done on Xevien-7 so almost all of them are emplyed already according to the Intergalatic Species guide they rank #17 on most Vicous due to many of them becoming space pirates They also are very good Gladiators They have come into contact with humans before but the humans that met them decided to stay on their planet for the rest of their lives due to them beliving that humans are some type of higher species that should be incharge fo them and are Messegars form the gods They are at Space tech rank they have made colonies on other planets but without Xavie-7 The colonies would soon perish Humans say they emit a dirt like smell due to when they are eggs they are put into mud like substance that gives them nutrients and helps them develop faster They are oftenly described as a mix between a Crocidile and a Gorrila having traits of both and some other traits unlike anything human scintests had ever seen untill the two species first encounter for many planetary Intagoven space pirates are one of the worst things to happen to that planet in other species related crisis's They mainly eat Octafins and are extremely fond of Earth Cattle which are a delicacy on Xevien-7 in the first years of contact the humans and intagovens avoided each other at all costs but soon after they discovred Human Cattle shich human farmers made a fortuane of selling to the Intagovens It is belived that the Intagovens evolved from large fish like creatures Many due to odd gravity on other planets get spinal modifications so they can feel like they are on Xavien-7 and so that they can make their spine their weakest point in their body besides the left ankle one of the strongest body parts however with the increased activity with humans the Intagovens brought with them the Davjik a deadly diesease that humans can get from Intagovens when the humans first encountred the diesease within one month 1/4 of the human race had died before they found the vacine a current popular fashion trend for young Intagovens has come form human fashion influence and that is the Ganto a short peice of cloth infornt of the lower body of with a lose belt like string holding it in place Then in the year 3457 twenty young Intagovens were visiting Earth for their first time and accidently ate a human which they were executed for three hours later by the Intergalatic peace squads which then started off the Human-Intagoven Wars which raged for two decades over 10.8 billion humans were killed and 7.4 billion Intagovens were killed after The wars the two species became a allied species and since then have mostly had peace besides the year long human hostage situation in which seven humans and thirty Intagoven space pirates were killed but besides that occurence they have had a lasting peaceful relation However Intagoven Space pirates still attack human ships and almost any ships for that matter In the Jargih Wars the Intergovens supplies and troops that helped the humans win the war against the Jargih and after that many humans and Intergovens have changed from Xavien-7 to Earth or Vice-Versa The current population of Intagovens is 46,000,000,000 Many Intagovens are big fans of hunting down the universes most hostile and deadly creatures In the year 3732 Space pirates became a huge problem their source were abandoned Intagoven Colonies which the pirates used as Black Market Ports and Hideouts this problem is still a major issue in Todays Universe Intagovens have a unique language that consists of many growl like noises as main ways of communication The way that young Intagovens become adults is that they must kill one of the Universes most Hostile creatures and survive for three weeks on one of the most feircest jungle planets otherwise they will be banished to one of the outer colonies until they are over fifty years old An average life span for a healthy Intagoven is about 200 years but some have lived to be 250 years old The leading cause of death for Intagovens is hunting
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