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(created 2011-10-09 08:55):
Hello there, this is an entry I'm submitting for the PMC Halloween Skin Making Contest (October 2011) . This is the skin that I will be entering. This is not your cliche "zombie" or your cliche "vampire". This is something that I had put a bit of thought into. The back story and idea for the skin are more directed towards Halloween than the actual skin itself, because without the back story the skin is just a red eyed Gothic girl. There are a lot of great entrys, and I'm glad to be able to compete against you guys :3
The Story of Norren Corcell (1890-2097) (Location - England)
Norren Corcell is the daughter of a Demonic Prince and a Satanic Witch. While she was 1/2 demon, she was also 1/2 mortal due to her mothers side. She wasn't able to survive in Hell, so she had to go to the mortal world and live amongst them until she was ready to die. However, as she was part demon she was going to live a lot longer than any other person in the world. She will end up living for 200 years before she dies.
As a child she was much chaotic. She was able to use magic just like her mother could. She got into fights with people who mocked her about her red eyes and pale skin. She also got into trouble at school, even once burning down the whole building.
After adult hood she was looking for romance, she had read into a lot of romantic based novels, and wanted the perfect loved one. She was able to get someone to fall for her while she was at a festival. The guy she dated was no prince charming, but just an average salesmen. He didn't care about the red eyes, the pale skin, , or even her looks. He just wanted the romance from her. For 2 1/2 years they would be seen together.
However, Norren caught her "perfect romance" cheating with another girl. At this point her vision of a perfect romance became the idea of "Love me or die". So she killed him by stabbing him with a knife several times. She late came to the realization that there are many people out there who break the "perfect romance", male and female.
At this point on she made it her priority in her life to kill any one who cheats on another person and breaks the "perfect romance". She would end up going out with over 600 men and 80 girls, killing them all because she could not have the perfect romance she dreamed of.
She later died at the age of 207, not because of old age (If she were human this would only be about 40 years old), but because she was shot in the head by someone who would of been her victim. The bullet was covered in Holy Water which destroyed all the demonic parts of her, including her Immortality.
This is my entry, hope you like <3