Description from original post
(created 2011-11-29 09:55):
The smell of sweat and gunpowder fill the air. Everything is quiet. You only can hear the calm sea and seagulls nearby. The ship slowly tilts from side to side making the suspending ropes strain creating an inviting sound to relax. The sun is burning your skin. Gladly Sulphur (Salfah for pirates) the cannon operator is inside the deck where no sunrays can go. He lives among the cannons and gunpowder most of the time. The smells are obvious. He doesn't wash or tidy. He is the Man of Gunpowder the thoughest cannoneer on the seas. Capable of loading incredibly high numbers of cannons without resting. He breathes half air half gunpowder dust. He doesn't wipe his eyes. They are immune to the thick dust. It has been like this as long as he can remember. He doesn't really remember anything actually. He is one though and purposeless pirate.
SOOOOthis skin is for my friend's skin contest
Follow the link below to get there
If the details are too crowded I tell a few things. The important things.
His feet and hands are dirty from gunpowder, so it his face and clothes. He has one pistol for fun and decoration. And mostly to gain respect among the unequipped pirates. Bags of gunpowder are fitted to the belt just in case you know :D
I'm looking for the other skins as well :D
This contest is not wide-spread yet but is really interesting if you think about it. Anything that is gunpowder related :D And nope, not creepers in this case. They are just so unoriginal :D