Description from original post
(created 2011-10-24 00:32):
Name: Layla
Type: Quantum
IQ:all knowledge
Elements: Metal, Uranium
Likes: Metal, Electricity
Hates: Iron
Spetiality : UnKnown
Food: Golden apples
When Shes Bored she: Walks around
When Shes Waiting She: Walks Around
Never: Make eye contact
Or She Will: Kill
Love Interests: Tamyka310
Weapon Of Choice: Golden Hoe, Flint and steel, Diamond Axe
Weakness: Herobrine , Golden Apple , Iron Axe , Touch of a Yellow Disc
Rage: Unknown
Mega Rage:Unknown
Core Stats
Date of Birth: 1986
Last Name: Dalis
Place oF origin: Brisbane Australia
Previous State: Tainted
Family Stone: Gold
Birth Parents: Adopted
Occupation: Nuclear Worker
Affiliation: Tamyka310, Miner
Residence: Dalis Manor
Aka: IIsraphell, Jessica , Jdk, Ezra
Type: Demon, Herobrine, Nuclear,
Favorite Block: Rose, Lapis Lazuli
Virgin: Yes
Immune to: Nature Cuts, Poison, Tnt, golden Tools, water, Crits, blue Cave spiders
Unimmune to: Diamond Sword, Herobrine, Blood Magic, God Mode, Israphel
Updated! Finnaly!