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(created 2011-11-09 07:06):
My Contest Skin for the Steampunk Skin Contest! :D which can be found here: link to contest!
The story about this young officer begins about 20 years ago, In a time where Creepers and Humans lived in peace, and Creepers no longer had the ability to blow themselves up.
The young Creeper always dreamed of becoming a Steampunk engineer, and so he started to study, and after 6 years of engineering studies, he was accepted into the Steampunk academy of Engineering.
The young Creeper showed much promise to his teachers and commanding officers and quickly rose through the ranks, until he was finally allowed to become a honored apprentice of the Master Engineer.
However, one night when the Master Engineer was tinkering with his latest invention with the help of the young Creeper apprentice, something exploded, and the Master engineer got hurt quite badly, the young Creeper ran over to his master, however, right before he could reach the hurt master, a sharp metal chunk flew of a machine, and cut the young Creeper over his left eye, where he now has a dark scar.
they managed to flee the workshop, and the master got the diagnosis at the infirmary that he would not survive his injuries, his last wish was that the young Creeper would use his talents in both Engineering and Weapon-handling for a good cause, and so the young Creeper joined the Steampunk Fleet.
Now the young Creeper is an honored Officer of the Airship "The Flying Diamond", and his appearance looks like this:
He wears a pair of Engineering Goggles on his head, which partially covers up his big dark scar that is covering his left eye, he wears a Dark Officers coat, he has a Steampunk Pistol in his belt, he also wears a Steampunk Rifle, which hangs on his back. he wears Dark Brown Leather gloves and beige pants, on his feet hes wearing a pair of black Steampunk/gothic boots, which are ornamented with Silver on the sides.