Description from original post
(created 2011-10-09 15:55):
My Contest Entry For The Halloween Contest!
Its A Frankenstein Cross With A "Bloody" Zombie!
Back Story:
There was once a Man named Steve who wondered the forests of Minetopia. One day Steve got lost and was sure he would die, until he spotted a small island in the distance with a little shack on it. Of course, Steve's adventurous attitude attracted him to the island. When Steve reached the small shack he slowly stepped inside to find a hunchbacked old man ready to pounce on him. The old man pushed him onto the ground and forced Steve to drink a small potion he had brewed earlier. Steve went into an all out fit on the ground, turning green and mutated. The force of the changes exploded the shack and the old man. Steve was now a Zombie Frankenstein... The Zombie Frankenstein (Or ZF For Short) found a map in the wreck of the shack, the ZF eventually found his way back to Minetopia where he caused havoc and destruction...
Enjoy! :D