Description from original post
(created 2012-05-15 16:43):
Here is my skin for the Apocalypse Skin Contest. I don't think I will even get in the top 100, so I put some description in. You don't have to waste your time on anything, but I did it for those who do. I DID do this already but I think my bro deleted it because it was gone without moderator note, so I re-upload it finished.
Okay, so I kinda went all out with this, although it still probably won't be in the top 100 (which is why the story is there). I will now tell you some stuff I put in.
- Crumbled City
- Burning in the background
- Smoke with depth
- Scorched sky
- Sewer system
- Broken pipes with flowing water
- Refugees in the darkness of the underground.
Minetopia, once the greatest city in the world of Minecraftia, has been decimated.
When Minetopia was established in the years of lorn long ago, in the early days of civilized life, it was mediocre at best. There wasn't much getting done, and people ran around wildly killing everything. The world was a generally depressing place. Then The Man came. He was an outsider. Nobody liked him, he was new and odd looking. Everyone around here looked the same. Brown hair, blue eyes, jeans and a teal shirt. But he, he was bald but had a black beard and eyes, and he wore a brown tunic and slightly grey leather chaps. People tried to hurt him, and disappeared instantly. They thought he was a demon.
Days later, a little girl had been born. The people's first thought was to hide it. The Man found out quickly that she had been born. So quickly, he was there 5 minutes after it happened. They thought one of the people had told him. After four days of near chaos, The Man introduced himself. Everyone was present, but silent, and he wasn't interrupted.
He said his name was Notch, odd name, but somehow fitting. He could see anything and everything he wanted in the world just by thinking. It was unheard of. People thought he was a god. They couldn't have been more right. They celebrated at the thought of a god in their presence. Monuments, statues, and temples alike were built in his honor. They were all happy again. This became known as "The Beta Era."
After years of this era, Notch decided to find others wondering in his kingdom, so he set off never to be seen again. The villagers were sad, but not that sad. Occasional sobs broke out from the children, nothing more. Then some other stranger rolled in. This one did not look nice at all. He was dressed in an all black cloak, and people got scared. He had these white looking eyes, too. The new man took off the cloak, an it seemed to create a darkness over he entire town. The people began to worry.
He stayed for two days, frightening everyone by simply walking down the street. He knew this of course, which is why he did it. The the storm came. It was THE biggest, meanest, strongest, and longest storm ever in the history of the world. It ravaged the town for exactly one month, then went away as quick as it had come. It was devastating. The houses were still there but everyone was scared to even go outside.
Luckily, the kingdom had made great advancements, they had explosives and electricity. They had no idea that the new man, later named Herobrine for his being opposite of a hero, was planning to use that against them.
One day, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing, and thee wasn't a cloud in the sky. The people had come out for the beauty. This was a grave mistake. They were attacked, from everywhere, at the same time. The weird part was, it was only Herobrine. Hysteria, destruction, death, sadness. It was everywhere. Explosions, shots from cannons, shooters blazing, fires burning. This became known as Release Day for the fact that the people were relieved of their great city.
When the day was done, the city was burning, smoke filled the scorched sky, buildings were now ruins, and those still alive took refuge in the broken sewers.
The greatest city in the world... Is gone...
Thanks for your time and for any feedback you give.
Regards - Deuce