Description from original post
(created 2012-08-15 00:30):
Butch - The Terrifying Monster
Hello again everyone! This time for a skin, I bring you my contest entry for the Monster in the Closet Skin contest! I had read the description, as it said think of Monster's inc, so, I mixed in inspirations of mythological creatures, and Monster's Inc monsters into my skin. Ideas soon became into my skin making. Thought long and hard about how I was going to do this, but i finally got it, and here is my entry I am giving you guys! This is Butch! Thank you, this took me3 hours to do, because of how detailed I get with shading skins. I used photoshop to make it, so it was really more of a "I don't see what i'm doing at all" Type of skin.

Bedtime Story of Butch
On days of nothing but silence. When trying to sleep so much. The time is midnight, it is very dark, as you are tucked in bed with the lights off. As you look around your room, you notice a shadowy figure. At first you suspect it is a pile of clothes in your closet, fallen from your hanging rack. You take a sigh of relief, until the first thing you hear... Is the squeaky floorboards making noise. Startled, and panicked, the first instinct is to hide under the covers where it is safe. Though, you feel as if you need to get up and see what's around. Again, another noise comes up, not in the closet, but in the dark room of which you sleep. Foot steps, tap... Tap... Tap... Again it happens, slowly, as it starts to speed up. The sound gets closer, as you smell the most diabolical odor ever. The smell is too unbearable, that you must get out of your room, smells of a dirty diaper just is too much! Next thought is "Alright, it is time to get out of bed, and yell for my parents." As, you think you have the chance to sprint out the room, and start yelling, your first motion collides with another. A sharp claw scratches softly along your back... You turn around, noticing a orange furred monster, about three times the size of you. Again... The odor, this time followed by a drooling mouth... It is... A monster... What is it? The monster looks down at you, drooling, giving off its foul breath, and growls. Your knees start to tremble, as your teeth follow up, and the sweat from your palms and body start to act up. Fear is the only thing you may imagine now. This is no beast, this is... Butch.

Thank You guys! If you can comment some feedback that would be great! Worked on this a long time! Even used Photoshop to make some crazy pictures for this! So I really took more than three hours to make this whole skin!
Made By MrD4nny