And the he awoke.
As if those last memories were but a dream. "Where am I? Who, who are you?"He asked to anyone and everyone. It felt like ages, but there was a voice, a women's voice, Chuck always liked women, they didn't make fun of him as much as the men, or call him names, or make fun of his big chin... "Your in the hospital, and if you weren't to much of an idiot you could see I am a nurse." she said bluntly. "How, how did i get here and why am I all bandaged up..." Well," she said, "you tried to grab some live wires, and shocked yourself good, got yourself a lot of third degree burns, Doc says you'll be bed ridden here till your good and ready. That police station has some damn fine medical insurance so were keeping you in the finest room we can.". Chuck was appalled, "What happened to my case?" He asked the nurse. "What? Oh, you mean that bull shit with the pet store? Turns out that guy Bill broke into his own place, for the insurance, kinda what were doing to you. Ironic eh?" Said The Nurse. That was supposed to be my case. he thought as he drifted to a sleep.
"You must save the world." a voice said. "Whose there" Chuck asked. "You must save the world." The voice replied.
When he awoke again the room was bright yet still dark outside. As he laid in his bed he wished as hard as he ever did that the lights would go out. And they did. Chuck was frightened, "Was the dream real? Can I save the world? And from what?" As he got up the lights returned. Any man of normal intelligence would have known that it was just the TV he left on altering his dreams, and the automatic lights set to go off at 8:00 when he usually wakes up to start his night shift. But not this man, not this "special" man.
So he began to train his mind Turning the lights on and off every ten minutes like clock work, then clapping in amusement. which not to his knowledge, turned them back on. After a six month expensive recovery period, Chuck was ready, he had a costume already made from his high school years in the dance team. Captain Galactic was born. So he set out equipped with his mind and his Galactic-Mobile, a 1996 Plymouth Voyager his favorite car, to save the world...
Needless to say, with no powers, and the mental capacity of a can of tuna, he died soon after. When his family asked the coroner what happened he said, "He was shot in the face while wearing spandex downtown last night. We don't know why he did it we never will, the suspects say it was self defense and that Chuck was flickering light switches in there homes screaming, I am the savior, I am the savior!, were not pressing charges against them, as we have many accounts of this happening lately."