Description from original post
(created 2012-09-02 09:23):
This is an alternate of my original Clone Commando skin. Here is the link to that page right here --------------------------
All my other skins can be accessed from my account page, which is here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZELDA <
If you like my skins, please diamond, favorite, and subscribe! These things make people happy and make the world a better place...
No really, it does.
Please send me feed-back on what you think of my skin. Comment, criticize, give me your opinion on what you think of the skin and what skin you want me to create next!
(And just so you all know, I don't only make Star Wars skins. I mostly do that because I've been a sci-fi geek since my beginning of existence!)
This skin was made by me from scratch. If you see this skin anywhere online besides on my account, don't download it. It may be a hazard to your computer. But if you want to edit this skin in any way, you can go to edit-heaven and all you have to do is give me credit and I'll be A-OK (By the way, who the heck made up OK anyways? It doesn't make any sense... if you know where the word OK comes from, tell me in the comments below!)
Also, for those whose brains may asplode from trying to figure out why it's at 95% completion, I may edit things on this skin just to make it a bit more tidy, thus why the 95% completion.