o 2x Liquid Nitrogen sprays, utilised to neutralise targets quickly.
o 1x Liquid Nitrogen bombs, designed to coat the nearby area in impermeable cold.
o 1x LQ-Bomb release unit, used to propel the LQ-Bombs.
o 4x Frost-Expelling Units, intended to freeze objects in close proximity and creating small, temporary areas of ice for the purpose of movement and defence.
o Six sextuple quad-core-processors, effectively giving this robot 48 individual processors to increase performance speed by thousands of gigahertz.
o A range of optical lenses, ranging from night vision to Infra-Red to X-Ray, it has most kinds of lenses installed.
o CZ1-413 social and service artificial intelligence, for the sole purpose of making the robot more intelligent than average, and giving it a social demeanour to those it serves and protects.
o Oil efficiency increased by 100%, oil isn't used and the robot is fuelled by a convoluted series of mechanisms in order in run off of liquid nitrogen.
o Quantum Levitation installed in the palms and feet, to help traverse tricky terrain.
o High resilience battle armour, complete with detachable cranium with installed camera and jet propulsion, in order to capture feedback.
o Military grade irradiation unit to cause minimal damage to robot and organic life.
o CZ1-413 Liquid Nitrogen Cooling Unit, for the purpose of radiating the above contents.