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(created 2012-05-18 05:29):
This is my Apocalypse Skin entry.
A war veteran who guarded the frontiers of Minecraftia to defend the innocent builders of his world, this man faced his darkest days when the latest update Minecraft 1.3 had a major error causing hostile mobs to spawn at a rediculous rate... Soon zombies, spiders, skeletons and creepers began to become too numerous and began wiping out the innocents of Minecraftia.
Wherever he would look, fleets of zombies would be marching toward him. Volleys of arrows rained at his feet as the skeletons on the front lines took aim. Disturbing noises came from the woods as the glow of red spiders eyes emerged from the darkness.
Using all his might he punched a tree down with his bare hands. Gathering the logs and stashing them away quickly he burrowed into a hillside. It was dark and cold, and Dave was at the end of his wits. Blindly Dave frantically took the logs and miraculously turned them into planks, and then smashed the planks to make sticks. These sticks served as his only light source as he grabbed the black rocks that were at his feet and ignited them with the sticks.
But then the strange sound of fluttering and fluxating noises got louder. Then in the middle of his burrow a large black creature manifested itself. Dave looked away in fear. More and more of these mysterious creatures took place in Dave's burrow. Now Dave was in trouble. Looking for something in his backpack to use as a weapon, Dave was at a loss. But one item stood out that would save his life. A simple pumpkin he had harvested earlier. Dave carved the pumpkin out with his sticks, and fashioned himself a helmet. Soon the creatures began to dissapear. One by one they left as his presence was ever less detectable.
Dave waded out many days living on the mushrooms he found carving through the rocks with nothing but a wooden pickaxe. Finally it was time. Notch and Jeb finally got together to find a solution to the problem. Finally they had released 1.3.1! The sound of burning undead and screeching insects were heard from above. Dave scratched the surface to reveal the smallest bit of daylight. "DAYLIGHT!" He shouted. One by one the zombies and skeletons fell. One by one the creepers vanished.
Dave had survived the Minecraft Apocalypse..
"Finally... It's over..."