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(created 2012-11-18 01:44):
Cyberpunk DEVIANT
.dissident youth of a dystopian future.
Deviant Cyrod
Update: changed name to Deviant Cyrod and added a backstory for Cyrod!
===Skin renders===

The Deviants
A sect of dissident youth known for their flamboyant hairstyles and graphic masks - often depicting polished skulls. Many Deviants are ex dream-batteries (those individuals who are coerced into a life of perma-sleep whose bio-energy is used to power the Welling Vats of the Tri-And-Tri Commune o ²o ²). This history of corporate oppression has led the Deviants to become a civil resistance force; they are suspected to be the source of many criminal acts including, but not limited to larceny, arson, and indecent exposure.
Footnote: The fur lining their typical outfit most likely comes from a currently undocumented alley predator; detained Deviants have been reserved about the exact nature of the fur, citing superstitious mantras.
Deviant Cyrod's Story (In Brief)
Cyrod was 17 when the Commune Psylancers came to his birthtown: Illusion - or so it had been named in years past - the reason for the name has long since been lost. Psylancers are the Commune's inquisitors extraordinaire; only, they don't put people's tongues to the Question; they inquisite minds.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." - Unknown
Individuals with exceptionally strong minds are bundled off to one of the nearby mega-cities. Cyrod possessed one such mind. The Psylancer mystic assured Cyrod with promises of status and intrigue upon taking the role of a reserve dream-battery. Every mega-city relied on a massive quantity of dream-batteries to provide bio-energy to the populace. Children of the surrounding low-tech settlements were indoctrinated from a young age that support of these advanced social centers was the highest honor a Slummer [derogatory term] could lend to the greater good.
As though he truly had a choice, Cyrod accepted and was immediately phasored, inducing a semi-permanent comatose state which he would not awake from for quite some time...
One day, after he had dreamt countless dreams, he did waken: to a ruined power plant, bubbling with acid overflows and flashes of fire erupting around him. In a daze, Cyrod wandered outside where he found Commune Guards forming a perimeter around the facility - most likely to cut off the escape of any dream-battery who had survived the catastrophic explosion. Cyrod swayed as if in a stupor; the shock of being so quickly separated from his cerebral biolink made his stomach heave. Before he could collapse, hands took him by the shoulders and pulled him behind nearby debris out of the approaching guards' line of sight. Cyrod found himself face to face with a slender mask-wearer. He could tell nothing more of his rescuer than that they had shining blue hair and were motioning towards a sewer grate below where they both crouched.
Cyrod descended the narrow tube first. This escape led to his introduction to the Deviants. Cyrod would go on to make a name for himself, thwarting the twisted machinations of the neo-mystical Commune.
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