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(created 2012-05-23 13:06):
Eliot was walking home when everything went silent. There was not a dog howl, a bird, or even a car engine to be heard, it just was. He could not even hear his own feet hitting the pavement, then as if turning the radio on, everything was normal. People came out of the houses, as if to make sure it had happened to everyone, while Eliot stood there bewildered looking up at the sky. "They're gone" said Eliot, one person walking back into their house, spun around and said "What are you talking about?" "The stars, they're all gone" everyone slowly looked up. "It has to be cloud cover right?" another said nervously, "It's impossible!"
Eliot still a nervous wreck, continued to walk home, looking up every once in a while to make sure. He could not sleep, the news said nothing as if oblivious of the encounter, the only thing people knew was it had happened world wide. For the next week, the president rarely spoke of what was now called "The silence of earth" as if a normal thing that regularly happens. In a month everything went downhill, the electricity was fading out of nowhere, the internet was out and there was no way knowing what was going on every ware else. Stores closed, people were so afraid. Everyone was running out of food, trying to get any bit of news from passing by strangers, but when people thought there could be nothing worse. The government went silent. And that is when Eliot decided, he need to help and be the passing stranger, and find news from other towns and city's. He packed a bag of basic supplies and set out in at dawn. And that is the day that they came.
Eliot was walking out of town when it happened, the bright sky, the ships, blowing up anything in their path. Eliot ran as fast as he could but there was no escaping it. He found a homestead outside of town, running into the barn, he stopped and leaned on a post, the only thing to be heard was his panting. He heard the sound of one of the crafts landing, hearing something get out, he quickly hid. A giant thing crashed through the doors, Eliot as quite as possible, listened. It was sniffing, like a dog. As if wrenched out of a dream it let out a heart stopping screech. It started setting things on fire, tearing the place to pieces. A blast of fire came into his hiding place scorching his left eye, the pain was unbearable, but he grabbed a pitchfork from the wall and ran out and stabbed the thing. It fell to the floor, a pool of blue liquid forming. As Eliot stood there, the pain became so immense he fell to the floor unconscious.
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