Description from original post
(created 2012-08-13 21:20):
Hey everyone,
I was thinking of starting a skin series where I would make "Citizens" of a small town. If you want me to continue with this skin series, then please diamond, favourite and comment below!
Any suggestions are encouraged!
It all starts with the Forest Guide.
The forest guide is always making sure the pathways and hiking spots outside of town are safe from fallen trees or rocks, bandits and from wild deadly animals. He is the man who guides you into town and gives you information about good places to eat and how to get to other towns. He is the ultimate tour guide.
During his free time, he likes hiking in the woods and mountainside that surround the town. Camping in the woods is a usual habit for the Forest Guide. I don't mean to brag, but this guy is quite the bowman! He practically lives and breathes in the forest.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy this skin!