Description from original post
(created 2012-11-15 21:36):
Corona, Solar system E92, 2079 A.D.
The scientists were growing restless. They were watching the embryo for 11 months now, looking for signs of life. The attempt to create a biomechanical creature from a test tube was looking futile. They were on the point of giving up when one cold midnight, the pulse rate increased dramatically.
"Hey, guys, you need to take a look at this," Z'charia said, "It's heart's beating."
This latest observation silenced everyone in the chrysalis chamber.
"What?! Let me see," Sculrio, the leading scientist, commanded.
Sculrio ran over to Z'charia and looked at the monitors. As well as the pulse rate, various other dials and graphs fluctuated for things such as breathing and nervous responses, amongst other things.
"Fellow scientists! I think that our hard work has prevailed."
As if on cue, the creature started moving, banging against the glasstic walls of the chrysalis tank and blowing bubbles.
There was silence as the scientists all simultaneously looked at the chrysalis tank.
"It's alive!"
Frankie is a biomechanical Cora, created from a chrysalis tank and bred for intelligence. He is well known amongst humans and other Coras, and is amongst the ranks of inventors, as he himself is responsible for many military scientific innovations such as charge fabric and cutting lasers, the latter of which he proudly uses as a defence weapon. He is also part of a secret organization created to fight crime on too large a scale for ordinary police or defence services. He has been through many hard and painful battles, often which have resulted in severed limbs and rips, which explains the heavy amounts of stitches.
Now you can be Frankie in your game of Minecraft with this skin that I have created. I hope you like it!
P.S. Here's a non-Minecraft pic of Frankie, drawn and computer-coloured by myself.