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(created 2012-06-25 18:37):

Gaz :3 For wondercat's contest!
Gaz is voiced by Melissa Fahn.[3] She is Dib's psychotic, antisocial, and apathetic younger sister, often described as "Dib's scary sister", who has a penchant for video games, a fixation with pizza, particularly from her favorite restaurant Bloaty's Pizza Hog (satirical of Chuck E. Cheese's) and loves soda. If and when someone or something stands in the way of her getting those things, she will not hesitate to thrust them into "a nightmare world from which there is no awakening." She knows and admits that Zim is an alien, but does not care because she also knows he's too stupid to take over the world, making her quite possibly one of the smartest characters in the series. Because Gaz is very rarely ever seen to be happy most viewers believe that she is humorless, but in the episode Parent Teacher Night she chuckles twice at Zim and Dib's misfortunes.
In the series Gaz has either a lukewarm relationship with most of the other characters or a cold one. Like as mentioned before, her brother Dib is one of these people. The only exception to all of these people might be her famous father Professor Membrane. He seems to have a warm relationship with Gaz even though it's not shown all that often. Professor Membrane is very rarely ever home due to the world always needing his help. However, he does make it a point to once a year have a family night with his kids and spends Christmas with them. Whenever, he's home Gaz seems to strongly prefer to spend time with her father over listening to her brother's constantly annoyingly enthusiastically ongoing crazed rants. Because she has a closer relationship with her father, the professor tends to call Gaz "honey" or on occasion by her name which he never does to Dib. She often spends time with him by going down to his lab to talk with him whenever he's home. She has made it known to her father that Dib greatly irritates her and that just the sound of his voice alone, sends her into a very deep rage. Other people who Gaz seems to strongly hate are Zim, a video game-crazed boy named Iggins and her teacher Mr. Eliot (she seems to be embarrassed by Mr. Eliot).
Gaz's relationship with Zim can be described as distant, cold and unfriendly as the two very rarely interact with one another and whenever they do interact they mostly say very mean one liners with the exception of the episodes Bloaty's Pizza Hog and Future Dib. Those are the two episodes where the two characters have had the most interaction even though in one episode Zim was speaking to Gaz through a robot. Zim also looks at Gaz as a very minor threat (however, he often overlooks or does not know her ability to easily defeat him). This could be due to the fact that he interacts with Dib a lot more and knows Dib's reactions a lot better than Gaz's. However, it should also be made known that Zim thinks that Gaz is very scary and even he (even as overly obsessive and power crazed as he is) does not wish to provoke her wrath. Whenever Gaz is questioned about her opinion on Zim, she admits that he's an alien, but also says that he's too dumb to take over the earth and that he's so bad at it and she also hates Dib's constant rambling about it. Furthermore in the episode Mysterious Mysteries, when talking about Zim she calls him "stupid Zim", however she also calls Dib her "stupid brother" when talking to the show's host. It is also made known that in the episode Dark Harvest that Gaz can take a great amount of pain while in the episode Lice, it is seen that Zim can not. Therefore, in the same episode (Lice) Gaz gets annoyed and shouts at him while calling him a whiner. In return Zim often refers to her as either Little Gaz or Dib's Little Sister because she's even smaller than him (and he himself is very small). This is mainly because only tall Irkens get respect in his race.
What Zim thinks of Gaz's usefulness is very unknown as this opinion and their relationship is hardly ever seen or expressed, so it might vary depending upon if he needs her and what for or if he doesn't need her. However, in one episode he did use her as an umbrella to protect himself from the rain, which in turn made her so angry that she almost hit him with her actual umbrella, but was stopped just in time by Dib. Zim also used her again when his Dib robot had to sneak by Professor Membrane's security guards in order to reach P.E.G.'s main genterator. In order for everybody to think that the robot was Dib, Zim had to make the robot interact with Gaz so as to not draw any unwanted attention to his latest evil plot. However, in the episode Bloaty's Pizza Hog, when Gaz had to go rescue Dib from Zim's clutches Zim doubted her ability to rescue her brother. In an unfinished episode called Ten Minutes Till Doom, Dib would have stolen Zim's PAK (which he needs to live and can only survive for ten minutes without it) and Zim would have had to seek Gaz's help in order to retrieve it. Only after convincing her that Dib stole her Game-Slave Two would Gaz have helped him. They would have eventually tracked him down to her father's lab and retrieved the PAK with a lot of success and thus having saved Zim's life. Then however, the game device would have then fallen from Zim's pocket and Gaz would have seen it. She was then supposed to have chased and beaten Zim up, thus supporting the idea that he thinks she's scary. However, because this episode was cancelled before it was finished it can not be considered canon.
Despite their differences it should be made known that both Gaz and Zim do have somethings in common like for instance hating Dib, being considered to be scary, being theatrical, both having a withdrawal personality from most human social encounters, both having dark personalities, both loving destruction, both being stubborn, short tempered and both hating being made to dance by GIR (but at the same time it should also be noted that GIR can easily bend both to his will when he really wants something). They also both go to the same school and both are outcasts amongst their peers. A good factor to point-out is that the hero of the vampire piggies games looks a lot like a much taller version of Zim, therefore it could be argued that there might be a bit more of a connection to Gaz actually liking Zim in a very quiet, dormant and subconscious manner. However, other than the hero looking like Zim there are no other facts to support this theory.
Gaz has an okay relationship with GIR and seems to tolerate him better than Dib (although their relationship is only seen in two episodes- Tak the Hideous New Girl and Bloaty's Pizza Hog). While it is noted that the two characters were both involved in the episode Mysterious Mysteries, they never actually spoke or interacted with one another, however they did sit next to each other. It should also be noted that while Dib, GIR and Zim all got called crazy on the show Mysterious Mysteries, Gaz is the only main character who did not get called crazy by the TV show's host. In an episode called The Voting Of the Doomed, Gaz was seen with GIR again, but again there was no verbal contact and she just ate peanuts out of his head. Gaz is the only character in the TV show that's ever gotten an onscreen kiss on the lips from GIR. Gaz and GIR also share a love for piggies and like Dib, Gaz has used GIR to enter Zim's base. However, her reason was not to expose Zim's true purpose and identity, but to go get Dib so they could spend a night out with their dad.
Unlike most characters in the rest of the series Gaz has some very special powers, but they are rarely ever demonstrated and the only other people who know about them are Dib and Iggins (although Iggins is only seen in one episode with Gaz which is Game Slave Two). These special powers are just as special as Dib's head opening up into a portal as mentioned before. According to what's seen in the series, Gaz can levitate herself very high while in a fit of having a really deep rage and a very strong sense of hate as seen in Gaz Taster Of Pork, control the weather as seen in Game Slave Two and control electricity as seen in Dibship Rising. Please note that these powers are only seen in the three episodes as mentioned above and that when she levitates the background becomes purple and her eyes (which are rarely ever open) turn from a pretty and light shade of hazel into a deep and sinister shade of red. She also has a very strange and creepy way and ability of stalking people who have really messed with or upset her immensely like Dib or the video game crazed boy named Iggins. This strange ability has appeared in only two episodes which were Battle Dib and Game Slave Two.
Due to her very grumpy and often negative personality most people believe that Gaz is humorless, but in very rare instances she smiled and twice in the same episode (Parent Teacher Night) even chuckled at Zim and Dib's troubles. In Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom, when Dib throws a muffin at Zim's head and Zim reacts in an outraged and wild type of manner Gaz does addmitt that it was kind of funny to see Zim react that way. However, she said that only after he left the cafeteria in a very angry manner.In the episode Gaz Taster of Pork, at the end of the episode when she's out eating with her dad, he asks her where Dib is and Gaz says that he's in a pig-filled netherworld she makes her father laugh and he calls her his funny child.This reaction of his makes her happy.This reaction causes Gaz to look at him and simile at the fact that she made her father laugh. In Battle Dib, at the end of the episode as Dib was being shown out the door Gaz similed and waved at him because her vengeance was compelete. Lastly in Game Slave Two after getting the latest version of the game device from Iggins Gaz similed as the sun came-out after she made everything in her world right again.