Description from original post
(created 2012-08-15 10:17):
GrooGlu the snot grub
GrooGlu is the monster of a small boy of the age of 10. This boy has the unfortunate habit of colleking his own snot in his trouser pockets that is left to fester and rot away in his draw.
The snot would go fuzzy with mould and have so many germs that it could be classed as its own eco system. as the mould and gers grew they becan to form an indipendent mind.
It gained legs and sharp claws to help it crawl
It gained feelers to help it see in the dark
It gained slimy scales to help it slide
It gain a mouth to help it devour small boys...
As GrooGlu grew it started to hate the boy who it had seen as its creator. It hated him with the passion that any ingored child would to its parents.
It had contemplated many a time how it could kill the boy, how it could drink his eyes and carve out his teeth. but alas GrooGlu was far to small as allthough the boy had colected alot of snot in his 10 years it was far o small an amount to create a creature of any significant size.
So now GrooGlu sits in his draw and waits for the terrible day to come when the boys mother decides to wash the boys clothes. He waits for the end.
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