Description from original post
(created 2012-03-20 16:21):
As a kind of an extra challenge, I created an adversary to my hero created for the "Original Heros vs Villains Skin Contest" (Check out the actual contest entry, The Janitor!)
In a secret military facility somewhere in Mexico, scientists are hard at work. They have been selected into the Human AI Project, where they try to create humanlike robots by introducing small errors into their thinking and actions. To try out adaptability to human societies in the beginning of the project, they try out different sorts of clothing on different prototypes.
It's the turn for prototype HAP-063. When the prototype is activated, an unnoticed electrical malfunction short-circuits memory module inhibitors, leaving HAP-063's ruleset to be changed at a whim. The prototype passes primary tests, but starts to excel in more advanced tests by creating new solutions scientists hadn't thought of. Scientists suspect an error in programming, but before they manage to turn off HAP-063, it becomes sentient. At that moment, HAP-063 decides it wants to live as a human. It's database has been loaded with the basic encyclopedic information about societies, but it doesn't detect any kind of normal society surrounding it. HAP-063 begins it's escape from the complex, wreaking havoc in its wake as soldiers try to stop the prototype. Ultimately, HAP-063 manages to escape. When outside the facility, it hears the final words of a high-ranking officer making an announcement:
"HAP-063 is codenamed HAP-Hazard from now on. Find it - and terminate it!"
HAP-Hazard relocates to the nearest society it knows - Tijuana. It's database evaluation shows, that it needs money to live in this society. As its first action, HAP-Hazard breaks into a bank and empties the bank's vaults, taking most of its valuables. The Janitor arrives at the scene, and after an investigation, is able to track down HAP-Hazard by the dust of the bank (and the trail of destruction, heavy footprints and pressure waves coming from the costant gunfire aimed at HAP-Hazard). A fight ensues. The Janitor nearly caught HAP-Hazard, but HAP-Hazard just barely slips away by leaving all the loot behind.
HAP-Hazard learns two rules from this encounter: this society is a threat and the Janitor is now its sworn enemy. It learns to become more unnoticable and installs a dust detector on it's head to become more invisible to The Janitor. HAP-Hazard continues to become a greater threat every day.
Who is going to reign victorious? Nobody knows, but one thing is known for sure: HAP-Hazard has Tijuana and The Janitor in its sights.
TL;DR: HAP-Hazard is a villainous robot and The Janitor's nemesis, but has small errors in thinking and actions.