Description from original post
(created 2012-08-21 04:11):
It was twenty years ago...
I was a scientist. A scientist of craziness. I believed one day, we man kind could become immortal. And I believed the key to that was Bedrock. Everyday, I would be working on my lab, to find the answer to my crazy theory. Countless experiments were made on rats and most of them were tragic failures. Until, one day when I forged the element Emerald into Bedrock. It was the happiest moment in life. I decided now, it was time for human trials. Luckily, a friend of mine wanted to volunteer since he trusted me and wanted to be the first immortal human being in the universe. We secretly, went to an abandoned construction site to proceed with my experiment. He was smiling, and before the experiment, he smiled and said
"I will be with you forever, once this works. My friend."
Well, if this worked, I would also do this experiment on myself so I could be with him too. I smiled, and placed the needle into his arm and started the transfer. As I expected, the human blood accepted the mixed element. It was going well. Until, he suddenly started shaking like crazy. Suddenly, he was uncontrollably shaking as if he was paralyzed. This was impossible! And if I kill him now, I would become a criminal! I could see that there was mixed bedrock and emerald forming from his skin. I was speechless. I left the site, to hide from his identity, from his scream, and from his existence.
Well, that was a long time ago. He is now probably dead. There was nothing to worry about. I still sometimes remember that, but I try to ignore it. As always, I would watch the news in TV at 8 p.m during my free time. I turned on the TV, and started the listen.
"Last night, two people were killed on the street at midnight. It is still unknown who did it, but we have a witness."
"I didn't really see him carefully. But he had red eyes, the eyes of a killer. He gave me nightmares."
I turned off the TV. What kind of bullshit news is that? It wasn't even interesting. Well today morning, I was heavily working on my new secret project, so I really needed some rest. I headed up to the bedroom. Just when I entered my bedroom, I felt something weird.
"Last night, a scientist was murdered. It is still unclear as to who the murderer was, but witnesses say that a scream was heard in the distance."
"I was his neighbor for 15 years. I have noticed that, somehow, every midnight since the experiment failure, a guy in ragged cloth would enter my neighboring house. I guess, he could be the murderer."
Server: Lost Domino
Texture Pack: Soartex Fanver
Actors: cjdjdominator, stevetherock
Hope You Guys Enjoyed! :)
In the skin, the back of the head is blank, where there is a bug. Well, but the back of the head is black so it's fine! Thanks once again!
P.S=This is my third skin