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(created 2012-10-27 05:15):
IHHE Soldier [by Marqo3/size]4]
Ladies and gentelmen, I present you the IHHE Soldier skin! :DIt was orginally ment to be an entry for the Xisuma's skin contest. Some of you probably know him - he makes a lot of minecraft videos on YouTube. Unfortunatelly, I've noticed that contest too late and wasn't able to make it on time. The first version for Xisuma had also a few more details (mainly the "X" symbol on the back). However, I've decided to finish it anyway, so now you have it!PS: IHHE is the name of organization which this soldier is part of. It means "The Intergalactic Headquarters of the Highest Emergency". Yeep, that guy is ready for literally everything.Hope you like it! Every feedback is higly appreciated! :)
PS2: This is my first professional skin submission. Please give honest opinions about work's quality and how good this skin is. ;)