Description from original post
(created 2012-08-21 03:51):

Yeah, that's right. I made a skin that's not from TLoZ! At least it's still Nintendo :D Anyways, This is Ike. You probably know him mainly from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. WELL F#@%THAT! He's from Fire Emblem, which is a turn based strategy game, and it's F#@%IG BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! If you haven't played a the game, get your $#!+ together and play the game! It's. Awesome!
On this skin, I tried out a new shading style (which more of just a shading style period, since I haven't really had one up until now >.>). I tried to make it as accurate as possible, even with the headband, shoulder pad (stupid mirroring), and cape with the frayed bottom. Please let me know if I messed up anything, and I'll fix it ASAP!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my skin, and uh, leave a Diamond, Comment, and Subscribe if you liked it! Smell ya later!~
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