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(created 2012-10-28 13:22):

Feeling halloweeny? Then this is the skin for you!
Story: Kudos to anyone who reads the entire story
Jacko is the spirit of halloween, want to know his story? Read on! Jacko was a young boy who never did as he was told. By the age of 5, he had drunk more alcohol than his parents did in a year. By the age of 12, he was addicted to smoking and by the age of 21, he had been in an out of jail more times than you have had hot meals... But this all came to a stop, one misty night. Jacko was laid in his scruffy bed, getting drunk out of his mind when he felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep, but he was mistaken. Jacko closed his eyes, and waited silently for another miserable day to come, but to no avail. Impatiently, he opened his eyes and saw his room, just how it always is. A half eaten pizza on the floor, beer bottles stacked in the dozen and yellow, smoke covered walls surrounding him. But one thing was different... a creature made of blue smoke was sitting on his chest, refusing to let him move. "What are you!" Jacko screeched. "I am your end" said the creature. "What?! What do you mean? Please don't kill me!" Jacko said, with tears in his eyes. "Did you think you could get away with all the things you have done? Don't be silly Jacko, you have brought this upon yourself. I have been sent by the Gods to devour you" The creature said in a high pitch voice. "No! I'll stop! Please just let me live" Jacko exclaimed as he tried to escape the creature's monstrous grip. The creature gave Jacko a spine-chilling smirk, then swiftly ended his life within the blink of an eye, Both heaven and hell rejected Jacko, so his soul was forced to roam the earth for eternity, but Jacko would not take this.
So every 31st October, the day he died, he searched the earth for a body to possess in order to take his revenge on humanity, Of course the living were not happy with this and decided to dress up in terrifying costumes to scare away his ghost, and to this day, people take part in this practice, which is now called, Halloween! Put 'High five!' in the comments if you read the entire story!
Think Jacko is cute? take off his helmet for an extra surprise!