Description from original post
(created 2012-05-07 17:29):
Name: Keith Johnson
Age: 39
Job: C.D.C scientist
Alive: Yes
Infected: No
Totally awesome and bad***?: Heck yeah! :D
Keith Johnson was a normal family guy with an interesting job, a CDC (center for disease control) worker. Three months ago, Keith and his scientist friends finished the vaccination for the Swine Flu. Keith's new assignment was to make a vaccination for a quickly spreading virus, that started in the Middle East. Suddenly Keith heard a crash. "ARRRRRGGHGGH" screamed one of his coworkers. The man had spilled a blue liquid onto his hazmat suit and it was burning up. His coworker quickly stumbled into a nearby chemical shower. As he came out his face was very pale. He said "I don't f f feel good." as he said that, he fell face first into the blueish liquid he had spilled on the floor. As more of Keith's coworkers saw this they all started screaming and running for the exit. Suddenly a large red iron door slammed over the normal air tight door and blocked the entrance. "Were being quarantined!" yelled Keith. "What are gonna do? We will die from the air born diseases in here!" said one of his coworkers. Keith stared up at a big vent above him. "There!" he exclaimed. One by one, Keith helped his coworkers get into the vent. Then he climbed in.
After a couple minutes of path finding through the hazy vents Keith and his friends got out of a vent in the back of the building. They were in their hazmat suits. Quickly everyone said thanks, took off their suit and got in their car and drove off. Suddenly Keith heard a gunshot, and then a scream. Then he ran for his car and drove off.
Later that night, sitting by his family watching the TV. Keith saw awful news story. "At 4:30 today a chemical outbreak erupted at one of the CDC labs. 1 man died and 2 were hospitalized for minor mutations. If you have any of these symptoms; runny nose, stomach flu, pale face and fatigue, call your docter right now for you may have a disease that has gotten loose from that lab." he informed. Than the news turned off to let some cheesy reality tv shows on. The next morning Keith flung out of his bed. "Wha?" he groggily said. The bedroom window was open and there was a horrible dead smell that was coming from outside. Keith got up and walked to the window. A deep chill went down his spine. "Oh god." he said. He looked out and saw an ambulance crashed with blood all over it. There was a man across the street with a bite in his leg. He was laying on the ground. He was astonished to see smoke coming up from a couple different places in what used to be a peaceful neighborhood. He walked downstairs and turned on the TV. The TV sort of lost connection but came back. The news man had his sleeves rolled up and his eyes were dark. It looked like he hadn't sleeped in days. His tie was also loose. "To the few that are hearing this run. These things are every where. Don't go near em' or let them bite you." and then a man yelled in the background "We gotta go! The military is accepting only a few more people into the safe zone!" Then the newsman came back "Im sorry but I forgot the safe zone is at Woodrow ave!" and he ran away. Then the TV lost connection.
What will Keith do to survive the apocalypse? Finish the story in the comments below!
Please like favorite and diamond. This skin was hard to make! and the story too!