Description from original post
(created 2012-12-07 23:03):
Liza Tana.
Liza Tana, the name that shoots fear through hearts far and near. She strides the world's shadows unseen and unopposed.
From a very early age they say she was tested on for a cell replenishing drug- called Lizatanisas.
The black hand scientists dosed her day after day, poisoning her throughout her childhood years- -the cause for her drained short hair.
The drug was supposed to slow down the age decay rate for the average human. However as a product from the continuous doses she received, the effects were far greater.
Now, she drifts the world with her immortal life- immune to deaths grasps.
Her endless life forced her to go insane, leading her to a path of murder and masochism.
Forever more she will live a cyber life, haunting the worlds inhabitants.
So, I began this skin two to three days ago. I worked on it for about 1-2 hours per day, finishing just recently enough to upload.
Liza Tana is predominantly supposed to be a female character, however can be used as a male (you can't tell)
I hope you like this skin, as it is my very first (EVER).
Please comment :)
(Thank you to my 13 subscribers, you're all amazing - and I know because of you at least I'll get 13 views on this skin :D)