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I made this skin for myself and that's me. I love black t-shirt, simple.
About me and skining-
Okay, so. At the first time i played this game, i hate Steve skin. And i found this site, first time i found Ryu skin. And i used the Ryu Skin. Until now, i bored to using people skin. So i made this skin for my official skin. And use this skin for along time, or maybe forever nah... The skin that i made, it's looks like me. So please don't copy my skin. And i made this skin, so look different from others. Sometimes difficult to find ideas. I'm 13, i have a long hair, black eyes.
My Opinion About PMC-
I love this site, i love the level system and the submissions that made me intend to do something in minecraft. I love the theme of pmc. Is easy to spread my work from minecraft. The forum is great, and the Contest is fun. This site makes me happy.
I hate when pmc in maintenance, it makes me impatient and restless. Happy PMC.
My idea to make pmc a better place-
My first idea is add "Me" in the skin category. and my other idea is Visitor message in our profile, but i think is not a good idea, because spammer gonna spam. Or maybe use ReCaptcha before posting or submit any work. Donation feature is a good feature in my opinion.