Description from original post
(created 2012-06-17 20:53):
This is a skin for DinowCookie's blog:
About myself here on Planet Minecraft - I began making textures about a year ago, then I randomly found this website and posted some half-crappy, half-finished textures. After that I didn't really do much, I started Jungle Ruins, which was later posted here, then my RPG pack, and then whatever the hell I posted after that. I began making skins (more seriously) after I had entered the video game character contest. My Lydia skin, which was the skin I posted, got featured on the reel and I thought that was pretty cool (didn't get a very good spot in the competition though, darn). Since that I've made a bunch of skins and have gained a few subscribers, as well as some good friends. :) For more random infoez, visit my profile.
Reference-ish pic for whoever would want to see me at 3:20AM in the morning.
My thoughts on Planet Minecraft so far - It's a nice and well made website, it's pretty much perfect for posting skins, texture packs, projects, or whatever minecraft related thing you'd like to show to the world. Keeps track of download, views, allows you to subscribe, favorite, lots of good features really. The only technical problem with PMC is its downtime and slowness, sometimes it can barely be accessed for a whole day.
The community has its ups and downs. There's a lot of nice people here, but there's a lot of people who don't give jack shit about the rules and feel they can upload whatever stolen content they want. Thank god for the moderators though. :)
How to make Planet Minecraft a better place - Make a message appear whenever you upload something, it should clearly ask if it's fully made by you in big red letters. You'll have to wait ten seconds with that screen before you can upload. In that case people can clearly not miss the rules. Wouldn't bother me too much, it's not like it will be a huge waste time waiting ten seconds every other day.
Oh, and the servers should be improved, if that's possible. :)
Please give a diamond if you think it's nice, a favorite if you really like it and a subscribe if you want to stay updated with my work. :)
Made in paint.NET and MCSkin3D.