Description from original post
(created 2012-03-30 07:10):
*Please Diamond So Mr. Physic May Become A Finalist! Thank You, And Enjoy The History :D*
ORIGIN:Mr. Physic used to be a humble magician, working gigs at Carnivals and Birthday Parties. How he hated his jobs, but he had no other talents but pulling rabbits from a hat. One day when he was at a little kids birthday party, do bratty five year old tossed a caprisun on the stage, upon which, Mr Physic (which was in fact his stage name), slipped and fell, knocking himself unconscious. He woke up several hours later in the hospital. And it was so noisy. He couldn't hear himself think. He thought it was a loud hospital until a nurse came in to his room and said hello. At the same moment he heard her voice say "This lame child's magician is making me late for my date" What did you say about me he asked her. Confused she said nothing... he grew angry and told her that he had heard her call him lame. She said didn't know what he was talking about, and with all of his pent up rage, Mr. Physic lashed out at her with his mind and she screamed and fell on the floor, dead... Lost in a rage, he lashed out at all of the voices in his head and silenced every last one of them.. With that, he stood out of bed, feeling powerful, ripped the dead nurses purple dress, which matched his purple magicians cloak, and wrapped the ripped dress around his head. He went to the nearest mirror to trim the edges and saw his eyes were turned purple.. He laughed manically. After feeling such a vast amount of power, he could never turn back. He decided to manipulate the world to his favor. He had killed an entire hospital (ironic right?) by only though. There was nothing he couldn't do! He sauntered out of the Dead Hospital, bent on taking over the world.....
- Mind Control
- Mind Punishment (Forcing mental pain on someone, 10x more painful then the worst migraine)
- Death by Mind (Instant Murder through Mind)
- Telekinesis (moving Objects with mind, and being able to stop moving objects [helpful when being shot at])
- Forget-Me-Touch (Ability to alter someones very memories if able to get physical contact wit the subject)
- Invisibility (Can alter what is happening to make people think they don't see or hear him)
- Flight (Messed up version of flight where he sort of float and moves himself with his mind
Mr. Physic has a small carny wagon that is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. It is indestructible, impregnable fortress, that he moves with his mind. He can make it invisible as well. But when he wants to blend in, he can make it look, feel, (and unfortunately) smell, like it is being drawn by horses.
- As always, world domination
- Obliterate all who have ever mocked him
- Destroy all successful people, who have shamed him all of his life.
- I have worked hard on this skin, very hard.
- I have given you one of the most maniacal sounding, and not lame but powerful evil villains around.
- The skin, in my opinion is very cool
- And I would love for TreePunchersUnited to become at least a finalist in our first skin contest
- It took one hour to make perfectly
- I love this skin, so please diamond it, and thanks so much!
Please Leave a Diamond So Mr. Physic can become a finalist!