Description from original post
(created 2012-06-27 20:28):
15th Place
Concept: 48
Execution:94 Score: 142
Wow! 15th place, thanks everyone!! I didn't think I would get this far! :)
The Story of Desmond
There once was a 13 year old boy named Desmond. Desmond was not like other boys his age. His parents had kept him locked up in his room for his entire life. Like a child, Desmond would sit in his room and ponder marvelous thoughts of magical worlds. He would dream of mystical creatures, futuristic inventions, and gigantic kingdoms. He would sketch them on paper, act it for an hour or two, then neatly tape the picture to the wall of his room to add to his collection. After all what had he better to do.
Being locked up all day, Desmond could only daydream of what the dreaded nightmare beyond the safety of his house could be. His parents were always telling him, "It's terrifying out there!", "You would never survive!", "Nothing but death awaits!". Sorrowfully, he would drag himself back into the cold depths of his room where he would go back to his drawings.
It was about the age of 15 when Desmond began having this weird, explainable feeling inside him. He thought to himself about "it", and wondered where "it" came from. Try as he might, Desmon was unable to find the answer to this agonizing emptiness. "Loneliness", he would think to himself, "what could be the cure to this dreadful, painful illness?. Drawing more? Dreaming more? Playing more?". It seemed like he had tried everything, until finally the day came. Desmond realized the cause of his loneliness. He was lacking a companion, he needed a friend.
Fast as lightning, Desmond rushed to his desk and snatched the first four knick-knacks he could find: a pencil; a lamp; a calculator; a battery. Swiftly he darted to the middle of his room, and with all of his imagination, and a little bit of glue, he created the perfect friend. Together they would runaway from the prison of his house, and take on the most epic journey into the mysterious outside world.
Wish you guys all an awesome Christmas Break!!!!
Don't forget to leave a Diamond! :)
Head: Lamp (now computer)
Body: Calculator
Legs: Pencils
Arms: Batteries

This skin was made for the Inanimate Skin Contest, you can find the contest here.