Sauron Mace 16x16 -

Sauron Mace 32x32 -

Sauron Cape -

How to get the Cape:
There is already many cape mods made for minecraft, a quick google will show you that. You can get those mods by following their instructions but to get the actual cape you should right-click the cape image. Next click Image Save As and save it to a easily found location. When the cape mod you choose asks you to insert the cape file you insert that Sauron cape. Simple.
How to get the Mace:
The mace is a bit more difficult. Firstly open your start bar and search for 'run' once you find it click on it and type in %appdata% and press enter. Once this is done go into the folder named 'Roaming'. From there you should see the .minecraft folder. After you open that go into bin and open the minecraft.jar file in either Zip or Winrar. Go into the gui folder and open the items.png folder. Replace whichever item you want with Sauron's mace, save and you shall have Sauron's mace in your minecraft. Remember this is only aesthetic. It will provide no bonus damage, will replace the look of an item and cannot be seen by other players. To remove this weapon from your game open minecraft click option at the start and a box with the name 'Launcher options' will open. From here click 'Force update!' and you will lose Sauron's mace.