The Shadowbot, the master of stealth, precision and the harbinger of death upon all of its targets.
Manufactured in the same factory as its counterpart, the
Cryobot, it follows similar blueprints and designs.
However, instead of the wide range of cryogenics its alter uses to protect the cities and lives of civilians, the Shadowbot is designed for only the assassination and death of the enemy.
Armed with two arm-mounted 20" fibreglass-steel alloy blades, a multitude of hidden blade guns stored within its chest cavity and a lightweight frame, complete with spring-loaded ankle joints for leaping, none shall escape this robot's "hunt and kill" drive.
Once it has a target set, it shall pursue them until its objective is either complete or it can no longer move.
Not only this, but they have been utilised to hunt in packs when required to do so, and form a small network of thought processes that mean they will know everything that is going on.
There is no escape from the Shadowbot. Only the void darker than its near-unbreakable exoskeleton is release from its relentless hunt.