Description from original post
(created 2012-07-15 06:00):
This is my entery for the contest an i hope you all like it, it is a Purple and blue siren, the things on her back are gills.
I came 71st :)
Please Subscribe and diamond
Also, please can you give me some feedback on this skin, like things i need to change ect
What do i need to change to make it look AWESOME :)
When I was just a little mermaid, my Papa would always tell me how I would grow up to be a beautiful Siren, helping Human Maidens gather underwater sea grass they could not reach. I was very excited! I was already thinking up how to spend time with my new-to-be HUMAN friends. Not that my mermaid friends are bad, but HUMANS are awesome!
I cry reading that note 15 years ago, 15 years ago... when the humans changed. One morning, a little girl came up to the pond me and my friends used to play in, and she said "Oh, Daddy's going to LOVE what I found!" I thought she was talking bout a conch or a seashell, turns out, it was the Mermaids' utter beauty.
We continued playing in the pond when her "Daddy" came and replied to his daughter: "Daughter, you have done well, we are going to be RICH!" Then he shot my little sister in the heart. Me and my friends couldn't move as we saw her floating, face down, water turning into red blood. The "Daddy" came and hauled her, and I heard him think (Sirens and Mermaids could hear adults' thoughts, but not children's): "Yes! Yes! The rare Siren! And I caught a baby! Her hair will sell good, my wife will take these flowers on her body, and, and I just can't wait to taste that delicious, tender meat of hers--" I couldn't continue listening. I screamed "SWIM AWAY!" as the "Daddy" came back to the pond. Me and my best friend Nereid had escaped through a river from the pond, but "Daddy" caught Elinor and Naiad by hair and fins. I told My Father about all this, and he came to fight with every last merman in his kingdom and went to the surface to fight... but... They never came....
The Sirens and Little Mermaids came to shallow waters to eat. Sirens could live very long on Plants, but their real food is Land Meat. My mum caught me and Nereid a couple of possums to eat. I fell asleep on my mum's lap, with Nereid holding my hand. I awoke to screams and my mum telling to go with Nereid, to the sea and never come back. I was crying, I was confused, I was Scared, but what made me cry was that I realized that I would never see Mum and Father again. When swimming away with Nereid, I saw from corner of my eye: Sirens getting chopped to pieces, some of them suffocating in fishhook lines. And... And... I don't want to remember. I didn't want to help Human Maidens anymore, I didn't want to have Human Friends anymore. All I wanted to do, is to KILL HUMANS.
I hid out at the sea, with only Nereid by my side. She also lost her Father and Mum, and her baby sister. We spent the rest 8 years sulking until we became teens and carved meat. We decided, we would feast on humans. Nereid had an enchanting voice, and she taught me to sing too. Together, we swam to an island far from mainland, because there were too many humans on mainland to deal with. We sat on the stony rock of the island, looking at the crashing waves when Nereid yelled in excitement: "Sailors! They're Here! FOOD!" I understood. Together we started singing a voice so beautiful half the sailors jumped off their boat and swam to us. Me and Nereid would take turns singing and drowning them. After we killed everyone, we pulled their bodies on shore sand. We knew how to tell the innocent from guilty.
We were stroking and singing lullabies to innocent people, covering their bodies with sea flowers, and we ate and thrashed and sliced their flesh, feasting on their meat the way they feasted on ours! I finally know how to take revenge! Me and Nereid would clear the seas of the 2 legged bastards! *evil feminine laugh* *disturbing cracking/chewing sounds*
Written by the wonderful ThePreciousDino . <-- subscribe