Description from original post
(created 2012-11-06 12:59):
Story behind Smize:
Smize was one of many AIs (Artificial Intelligence) during his time. He was the leader of a secret team that would go out and hack government files. He recruited AIs that were no longer wanted by previous owners. Smize brainwashed his recruits by his evil eye... hence his name. Smize was a very successful AI; everyone knew who he was but they just couldn't catch him. But of course all bad guys get caught sometime, so one day it all came to an end for him. He was planning what would be the biggest hack in computer history. Smize was going to send his recruits on a very, very risky mission. He sent them to the White House computers which had very very high security. Smize had everything planned out and he was positive he would complete the the biggest hack in history. He had already sent out his recruits to do the job and was just waiting for them to make contact with him to let him know when they were finished. It had been a very long time since he had sent his recruits; Smize started to worry. Then something happened, Smize just disappears. What Smize didn't was that the White House computers were expecting him. The computers destroyed Smize without him knowing what had got him.
Enjoy my skin! :D