super awsome teen in a hoodie its red and theres a creppers face wich is awsome and hes got sweet headphones 3D FEATURES!@!!!! BETTER IN PREIVEW
super awsome teen in a hoodie its red and theres a creppers face wich is awsome and hes got sweet headphones 3D FEATURES!@!!!! BETTER IN PREIVEW
by Dinodaw
Description from original post
(created 2012-06-06 13:33):
hes relly cool an has awsome shding an stuff
Now the lets be serious. This next part is copied from dinowcookie's post.
Okay now serious. Me, Leostereo, Sneeze7 and some other skinners thought it would be fun to make some good teen hoodie skins to troll pmc, so we, and other skinners -who are awesome-, decided to make a series of teen-hoodie skins ;D They areno t uploaded all at the same time, because that wouldno t be fair since most of those skins will probably get to the reel. We will upload one, maybe two, a day. We started with about 7 people but we keep getting more people to join ;D Make sure to subscribe to these people to stay updated with their submission (and their amazing work!). :)
Planning for the other skins:
Leostereo -23-5-2012-Wednesday- View the skin HERE
DinowCookie -24-5-2012-Thursday- View the skin HERE