Description from original post
(created 2012-03-24 00:43):
If you liked Volt in "Legend of the Valiants, Part I" you're sure to enjoy this next adventure starring Volt and Tat, in their sudden, unexpected visit to the Ender World!
RITE, and D
"Tat seems to, once again, have gotten himself into more trouble and this time he's dragged Volt, the Last of the Valiants, into it with him. Literally!"
Enjoy :)
"The Legend of the Valiants [Part II]"
Twisting and stretching through the dark, soundless, black tunnel, Tat and Volt landed in a tangled heap on a cold stone floor. Or at least Tat thought it was stone. Untangling himself from Volt, he got to his feet and dusted himself off. Looking around into the murky gloom that surrounded them, he decided whatever it was the ground was made of in this place, it was nothing he'd ever seen before in the land of Minecraft. In the distance, mysterious black pillars jutted out of the ground. Suspended above the closest tower, Tat could make out a small glowing ball of energy that seemed to levitate in mid air.
"Enjoying the view, mortal?"
Twisting around so fast that he nearly fell to the ground,Tat gasped at the sound of the mysterious man's voice. He'd been so entranced by the eeriness of this unknown world, he'd nearly forgotten about the glowing man who's lair he'd walked into only minutes before. "Who- what- uh.. Um-"
Already on his feet, Volt walked to the spot where his helm had fallen, picked it up, and donned it. He emitted a slight glow that cast an aura of gold onto the ground around him, though not nearly as brilliantly as he had, before in the cave."My name is Volt. I am the Last of the Valiants. What is it that you were doing in my cave, mortal. You should not have come," Volt said, his voice reverberating with power.
Before Tat could respond, a faint screech rang out in the distance. "Come on, we had better get to a safer place before that thing realizes that we are here," Volt ordered, his back towards Tat. He strode forward and left Tat to either follow or be left in the darkness.
Tat followed alertly, often glancing over his shoulder in the direction the sound had come from. They only went a small way before the mysterious island suddenly ended. Beyond was nothing more than unending blackness. As if the place was suspended in the night sky. Except below, lay no clouds or snow capped mountain tops. There was nothing but darkness. Just as Tat opened his mouth to ask how this was possible, Volt stepped forward and jumped over the edge.
"NO!" Tat dashed forward, his heart racing, landing on his hands and knees at the edge of the floating island. He peered over the edge fearing the worst.
"Come, Tatimus, or were you planning on staying up there with the winged beast?", Volt called up, from a ledge only a small drop below.
"I- Wait! How did you know my name! I nev-"
"It is not important how I know, but you'll have no need of a name if you do not get down here before that beast senses you. Now COME," Volt thundered, his faint glow brightening with his temper.
Tat clambered down without further argument, because at that moment, A great black winged beast swooped above the tower closest to them. Safely down onto the ledge, he looked around to find a large inlet into the side of the floating island, where he and Volt could fit comfortably.
"Follow," Volt said. He strode nimbly around the ledge and toward the large inlet in the rock. When they reached the inlet, Tat noticed a small opening in the rock large enough to fit through. Peering within, he could see no further than the end of his nose.
A tingling feeling rose up Tat's spine then, and Tat reached down into his boot and pulled out a knife he kept concealed there for protection on his explorations. It was no uncommon thing for an explorer to run into trouble in the caverns of Minecraft. Knife in hand, he peered further into the depths of the dark cavern. "Its too dark to see in here," Tat said turning back toward the Valiant. But the glowing purple eyes he looked into were not the one's he was looking for. The creature released a warped gurgling sound and lunged forward. Diving to the side, Tat rolled past the thin, black figure and onto his feet, ready to strike. The figure stepped toward Tat, and in a single, deadly lunge, he brought his blade up into the place where the creature had been. He slashed thin air. He turned around in time to see the creature close in and knock him to his knees, his blade tumbling out of his hand and over the edge of the inlet. The creature lunged.
And a glowing fist came out of the creature's chest. The black figure crumbled to dust around Volt's golden clad, glowing gauntlet. "Be more careful in the future, Tatimus. Now let us get inside this cavern, before the winged beast senses the death of one of its minions," Volt said calmly, his glowing aura warm against Tat's skin.
Tat followed in awe at Volt's power. "How did you do that?! When I tried to kill the thing it just.. disappeared. What's even going on in this place? Where are we? And who- WHAT are you?! I want answers now! One minute I'm exploring a cavern and the next I'm-"
"SILENCE!" Volt thundered. "Are you so naive as to believe that I owe you an explanation?? For millenia I have protected your world from the evils that seek to plague it and in a single day you have managed to risk it ALL! You want to know what this place is? This is the place where my companions, my brothers, Dragen and Echo were killed by that beast while trying to keep your world untainted! Do not think to question me mortal!"
Struck silent, Tat stood frozen, eyes wide. In Volt's outburst, the hair on his skin had been singed with the energy that was emitted in his rage. Just then, a piercing roar even more powerful than Volts rage thundered through the stone and the giant black dragon swooped down, past the inlet where he and Volt stood. The two dove forward toward the opening in the stone. Dark or not, the cave had to be better than facing the beast outside. They had barely cleared the opening of the cave and smashed to the floor when a jet of flame let loose through the entrance and over their heads. For the second time that day, Tat was singed. Crawling forward, the two rounded the corner within the cave and through another small opening. It was a tight fit, but the cave opened up into a larger cavern once through. The walls of the cave shook as the dragon outside tore at the entrance to the cave. The two moved further into the cavern, following the walls deeper into the floating island of stone. Volt's golden aura lit up the path ahead of them slightly, but they weren't able to see more than a few steps ahead. They wondered the cavern in silence, following the twisting and turning path. Tat had no wish to further anger his new found companion with further questions. Nor did he believe it would have been wise to reawaken the Valiant's temper.
After a short time, the two came to a place where the tunnel ended and opened up into a larger cavern. the walls widened into a large stone room, the ceiling towering high above. Volt stepped forward into the large cavern and what he saw within rendered him motionless. Wondering at Volt's unbelieving expression, Tat stepped curiously forward into the opening. And at the end of the room, emitting an aura of deep red, sat a figure. They were not alone.