Description from original post
(created 2012-05-13 01:17):
Back story
Jackson Schmidt was captured by some scientists to be used as a test subject. He was Test Subject #1337. He had to escape before he was used for tests, he could possibly be killed. He found an air gate in his room. When he found a way out, he jumped on top of a scientist and strangled him to death. The scientist was holding a flask full of a toxin that could transform anyone into something of evil. The flask fell at Jack's feet, some of it got on his feet and soon transformed into something horrible, to hide his hideousness, he found a paper bag and put it on his head. Around the time he put the bag on his head his eyes turned an ominous green and he felt his blood to boil. He felt extremely uncomfortable, with that he ripped off some of his clothes.He finally found a way to escape the wretched facility. A bomb went off, the toxin has helped him survive through the through the blast. All he could see now was dirt.
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