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(created 2012-11-17 23:47):
This is the Artificial human! I textured it a little bit so it can have more detail.
Story (LONG):
It was 2142. Professor Norman, 61 years old, wanted to do build something extraordinary. He was getting quiet old so he thought of a machine or robot that can do things for him. He told everyone at Peterstate University he was going to build an artificial human to the whole school. Many people laughed and thought he was making a prank or joke, and never thought he was serious. He passed by the halls and every student that walked by him looked at him and laughed.
However, Norman wasn't hurt. "If people weren't satisfied then let them be. Besides, something like this is most likely fictional, so of course they wouldn't believe so." thought the professor.
One month later he drew a concept and a blueprint. He drew on many pieces of paper, but for some reason he didn't like any of them at all, until he came across one.
The drawing had a man with blue detail, and used light for body parts. It had eyes that were lines, and were gray. The hair looked like his, the only difference was the color. He had a straight mouth, and on the back was the Peterstate Symbol.
"Why, this is magnificent!" said the old man. " I can't believe I could have drawn this 5 pages sooner!"
After 8 days of thinking of a design he finally started to work on it. All of his tools were made by him, and was only used by him. In fact, some tools are illegal to have in the U.S. It was a confidential secret that he only knew.
It had been 7 months, and he lost his job after being absent at the University for so long. " Oh god, my life has been ruined. I lost my job, my wife had died, my children aren't here, and I can't even finish 45% of this stupid robot. I should have never done this."
One whole year has passed. Norman was bored so he went down to his lab and he saw the unfinished Robot. Norman stood there, and said, " Oh robot, how I wish you can come alive. I am old, have no strength, no power, and my only hope is you. Please Robot, come to life."
The Old man knew that what he was saying could never come true...until he put some work to it. The professor ran to it and examined the robot. Surely enough, the parts he needed weren't at his house, but was sure it was at a Local hardware store near him. He bought the items at the store, went back to the house, and started to work.
Months and months had passed until on March 13, 2144, it was complete. " Yes! I did this! I built it! Now come to life! " Norman set a keyword so it can turn on. The keyword was "Roboto". Norman was tempted to say the word, and so he did.
There was no answer.
Norman tried again.
No answer.
Norman was scared, so scared that he thought his life was over. He leaned on the robot, and while crying, he said Roboto quietly one, last, time.
There WAS an answer.
The Robot Came to life! Norman stood back up and wiped his eyes and face. " What? Is it going on??"
The artificial robot's Blue LED lights turned on and it's first words were, "At your service."
The professor celebrated, and he wanted to tell everyone about what he just made at the University.
Everyone went to the gym and saw Norman up on the stage.
" Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, NAMRON!"
he unveiled the robot and everyone was surprised, and clapped extremely hard for his perserverence, commitment, and courage.
About a month later, Norman received the Nobel Peace Prize. he made a 30 minute long speech, and one thing he said was.
" I have done something no one would ever believe. So from this very day, when I die, I will always say to myself, " I did something that could possibly change the world. "
THANKS for reading my story! And always remember to diamond, favorite, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!