Description from original post
(created 2012-12-19 22:56):
My version of the tenth Doctor from the sci-fi seris, Doctor Who.
I was, for the longest of time, using this skin made by JakeIsDaBest1. But, however awesome as the skin was, I didn't quite feel right using a skin I didn't make in a game where you make your mark by making your own thing. So the result is this! I will be cleaning this up as I see things that bug me, as this will be my new in-game skin.
I also plan to make a Texture pack at some point, and have actually been playing as such for some time now. I already have the Ood made. My nest one will be the Silence. Although I will be making it as a player skin, I do plan to have all the mobs as famous foes from the television show
Please note: this skin looks horrible without the helmet, due to how the shading for the glasses and hair was done, just in case your crouch and twinge at the face.
Terms of Use
This skin is provided for personal use only. You are not permitted to redistribute it without my permission. You are permitted to use it in online media (such as YouTube videos) only if I am contact for it's use prior to it's usage in such media, or skin is used by me in such media. You are not permitted to use the skin for financial profit without my explicit permission. You are permitted to remix this skin. You are not permitted to use this skin in a texture pack.
Like my skins?
Diamonds and favorites are always nice! But if you would like to request a skin, please visit this blog to check on my skin request status, along with taking a peek at all my skin requests!