Description from original post
(created 2012-08-12 13:03):
The Legend:
when a normal guy, like Steve, just tries to live his life normal, by getting material, building house and getting food. there is nothing wrong, but when Steve does it wrong, with killing innocent mobs (when there is many ways to get food), there is something wrong, atleast, according to the legend.
killing 1-5 cows, chickens and pigs there is nothing wrong, but when Steve desides to do it anyway, even though he has seeds in his pocket, the angry god of minecraft "Jotch" gets really angry, and starts to sending monsters in the night, to protect the innocent mobs, and also a sign of that Steve should stop.
most of the time, Steve just kills the monsters, or just wait till its day, and starts going out to kill more mobs.
but "Jotch" is a fair god, see, he knew, that there was a big chance of steve not seeing theese "signs". so he planned a curse, whenever you get wool (to get a bed) by punching a sheep, instead of using only 2 iron to make a shear, your bed will be cursed. even though you closed the door, there will sometimes, be a monster attacking you. that is a sign that your bed is cursed, so please, if this happends, try avoiding killing to many mobs, because if you keep killing mobs, "The Drenai"...what is this "drenai" your talking about, the drenai, is the horrible beast, jotch generates to the world. the reason jotch would summon "the drenai", is because: when a person gets around, to kill 1000 mobs (unnecessarily) "Jotch" only way to make the person stop, is to summon "The Drenai" and make it kill the person.. without any chance of re-spawning....
but one night (the night a few days ago, when the minecraft servers went down) something went wrong, when "Jotch" summoned "the Drenai". he couldnt kill it, or make it disapear, like usual.. so now "The Drenai" walks around in the world of minecraft, jumping around on different worlds, just to kill all players it see' day, it might just come on your world/server, and kill you...
The Drenai:
- The Drenai is made out of hard yellow skin, almost iron like.
- It does not use any weapons, only its hands, and two mouth's
- The Drenai's two mouth's has its own purpose. the outer one, is just for killing and eating the human meat. the second one is for eating the players soul. so you will never end up en the aether or nether. when you die, the only place you will end, is "the flatland"
- his eyes can scare a player to death, if looking deep into them.
Back to reality. Hello, CraftMiner speaking. this is my skin entry, for the:
Monster in the Closet Skin Contest
hope you like the skin, and did enjoy the story, both of witch took me a while to make, so i would apriciate if you gave some support, by clicking that diamond, and hitting that subscribe button.
sorry for the bad grammar, but as some of you might know, im from denmark ;)