Tim, A young boy who lived with his mother and father.
He used to eat sweets all the time, untill the day....
*This Morning*
Tim was alone, His mother out in the shop buying tonnes of sweets for Tim.
His father walking to the living room, TIM!!! Get out of the kitchen and go play outside.
Tim ignores his dad, Rumaging through the fridge, Grabing any food he could find.
Little did Tim know that it would be his last day to ever live.
The night a inclined, and when his mother and father where asleep,
He went into the clauset to grab his secret stash, then BAM!! a coat hanger hit him in the head.
He moved it out of the way and went further into the clauset, The door's slamed on him.
His sweets had disapeard. Then up from behind came the Junk Monster.
He was the biggest, baddest monster around, And is friendly to everyone.
Well, Everyone apart from the ones that eat sweets and fatty food all the time.
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