Description from original post
(created 2012-03-18 20:47):
The Long-Haired Heroette is here! (LHH)
She can whip any villain along with her long, luscious hair. Terrified by haircuts, she can still have a heck of a fight with her bouncy hair. Rapunzel you say? No, absolutely not. If LHH was stuck in a tower, she would immediately swing her way out, no need for a man to help her ;).
Complete with amazing long hair, emerald eyes, and a sense of style. (:
Her Story
She lived in Kentucky all her life, until one day was diagnosed with a strange disease. It made her hair all fall out! She used many methods to help her hair grow back, refusing to wear wigs. She tried GroGain, Surgery, Hair fertilizer, ANYTHING! Until one day, she visited Metropolis ( a familiar area ;) ) A strange man noticed what she was looking for, and gave her some unfamiliar, mysterious serum called Kry-Grow. She seemed uncertain about it, but was very desperate to have her beautiful hair grow back. Later that evening, she followed the instructions given on the tiny, odd-shaped bottle.
- Put just one drop on finger .
- Apply on bald areas.
- Wash hands immediately after applying Kry-Grow.
- Enjoy, your natural hair!
LHH did as told, and when she awoke the next morning... 5x the amount of hair was on her head!
It was amazing, fantastic, spectacular! She never felt this way when she had her hair. She was driving back home, when suddenly, her hair started to move by itself. She was very confused.. uncertain what to think.
Then her whole head of hair started to move! "I can control my hair?!" she said curiously. Baffled, she was trying some tricks. She could whip her hair, climb on ladders with her hair, grab anything she wanted! It could hold up any weight. It was as if her hair had strength of 1000 men.
To this day, she has gotten the name "Long-Haired Heroette" because she has defeated many enemies, saved lives, and helped citizens with her amazing hair. She still never knew where the mysterious man went that gave her Kry-Grow.
By: TeaCuppie
For The "Original Heros vs. Villians!" Skin contest
I hope you guys all enjoy! This is my first time entering a contest on Planet Minecraft, and it won't be my last c: