Description from original post
(created 2012-06-15 18:22):
A Skin:
Hi there, this is a skin of me. (It's not too perfect, but oh well. I tried my best. =] ) Btw, this is an entry in DinowCookie's A Skin, A Person, An Opinion, An Idea Skin Event.
A Person:
I'm an artist who likes drawing alot. I like anime and manga. I like making up stories and drawing comics. And I have the creative personality.
A reason why I started skinning is cause I couldn't be a female. I didn't like the main skin, either. So~ I downloaded the skin to design skins, (like we all do,) and I started. At first, I didn't do such a good job at my skins, I wasn't very familiar with doing it. But when I joined PMC, I saw the skin area. And I thought, "These are cool skins. Hey! I can make some and post them here!". So I started skins, and I made them better and better until I started getting good at 3D details and shading. Then I used a newer technique, and I got even better at my skins. And here I am.
An Opinion:
Personally, I think PMC is a great place! When I first got on, I thought it was a place where everyone get's along GREAT! But~ it wasn't what I had thought. There was competition, fighting, discouragement, and SO much more! So, I think PMC is a great place. Like a rose almost. Sweet smelling, and pretty (as in a neat website), but has lots of prickly thorns! (the bad parts on it). Thorns that stab everywhere, the back, the side of the head, the legs, the arms, ect. And another think I despise about PMC is...the skin section. It's FILLED with STOLEN and DUPLICATED and WORTHLESS skins! It contains more stolen things than the text pack area, and the mod area, and the other places! But as for PMC's good's great. There are lots of nice people who will help you if you need instruction on where to go for things, and the moderators will help with trolls who just WON'T stop trolling, (okay, okay, it may take awhile to respond...) And there are many supportive people, and there are people who will be friends with you, and so much more. There are good, well worked skins, there are skins with effort stuffed into them, and more. There is lots of things good about PMC, but every rose, tends to actually have thorns.
An Idea:
There are lots of way to make PMC a better place! For one thing, more mods, less trollers, thieves, ect. This would help A LOT. More mods would help make PMC more "under control". But a way that normal PMCers could help is by searching through the skins and reporting any stolen/steve/duplicated skins. (I know it's a lot, but there isn't too much to do...) And we could also make a rant on exp and worthless skins. (I have a theory that a fraction of the stolen/worthless/steve/duplicated skins are by exp-hungry PMCers...which should be stopped.) But overall, there are lots of ideas.
Also, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you gave a diamond. Thanks! =]
-Squishy <3