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(created 2012-09-05 01:34):
Holy One-Eyed Monster's, Batman!!
Exactly right, Robin! Another skin as a part of my Dynasty Warriors Skin Series! This time, I bring you the "One-Eyed General" Xiahou Dun, hailing from the Kingdom of Wei! He lost his eye to an enemy arrow at the battle of Xia Pi (pronounced 'Shaw-Pee'), but instead of dying or you know, pulling it out and throwing it away... No. This badarse doesn't want the enemy to have any part of him, so he eats his own eyeball! Like a BOSS! Plus you know, having a scimitar and the worlds most awesome hair possible doesn't hurt either. ;3
If you like/use this skin, please leave a Diamond or Comment/Favorite or even, I dunno, Subscribe?! Why not do something crazy and do all of them?! :O But in all seriousness please leave me some feedback so I can improve my skins and get better as a skinner! I'll see you guys later, m'kay? Smell ya later!~
P.S. I forgot to add my reference picture!
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