Description from original post
(created 2013-06-30 16:45):
Hello Minecraft people ^^
I have decided to create a skin shop again because I now have time to create some skins after a long time of having to spend all my time on school stuff.
This isn't the first time I ran a skin shop so you can expect some quality work from me. 
Overall I have created over 500 skins, so I do have some experience in creating them ^^
I'll just give you some examples of my work:
If you request a skin I can not ensure you I will create it. I will just pick the requests I like best and make those. When requesting a skin from me you can be completely sure that if I make it the skin is newly made, so not a remix of skins that already exist. I create all my skins in MCskin3D, which is an excellent program to create skins with. All the skins I create will be shaded completely, just like the skins in the examples above (so no noise or blocky/outlined skins).The kind of requests I like best are the ones in which I can remake a skin, or in which I can create something that hasn't been done before. Also I prefer to create skins for YouTube channels or mods so if you give a reason for what the skin is for that may help you get your request picked out.
I do have some rules attached to the requests
- If you want to request a newly made skin you must first search to check if there is one (of proper quality) made already that you can use so that I don't waste my time.
- If you want to request a newly made skin you should give a clear description of what it should look like or you should post an image of what you want me to make into a skin.
- If you want me to remake your skin you must be sure that your skin was completely made by yourself or that you have permission from the original creator, if later turns out it isn't then you are the person to blame (I usually recognize remixed or stolen skins so don't even try).
- If you want me to remake your skin you must comment with a link to where I can get the skin file or get an image of the skin.
- Only request if you are actually planning on using the skin
- Complaining or asking when/if/how your skin will be done won't get you anywhere, you are most likely to get ignored when you do so (I mentioned before, I pick a request whenever I feel like, based on if I think it's fun to do).
- If you really NEED a skin, then don't request here, then request in a skin shop of someone who can guarantee you that your skin will be made.
- At all times I have the right to upload the skins I've made for you whenever I want wherever, even if it is a remake of your own skin (if you really really badly want a skin that is 100% private I am not making it for free).
- You may NOT upload a skin that I made for you and claim it as your creation, not even when it is a remake of your own skin.
- If you use the skin in a mod, on YouTube or something in which people get to see it you must give me credit, even if it is a remake of your own skin.
- I will post a preview image in this thread and send you a link to the skin file in a PM when I've created a skin you've requested.