My Goddess is Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, the Goddess of Bravery.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± would grant those of true heart one trait of bravery, so that they have hope to earn the rest, so they might be brave the rest of their days. She would grant them the ability to overcome fear, she would grant them courage, kindness, and compassion. And for those that did not feel loved, she would place a gift beside their place of rest, that would make them believe that they are truly beautiful.
The Goddess of Bravery
Most people think that gods and goddesses are born with their powers. Others think they could achieve their powers through spells or curses, cast by creatures of mythical origin. Most do not know this... But many of the powers come from within. Some gods and goddesses are wiser than others, such as Athena, the Greek goddess of Wisdom and War. Some are stronger than others, such as Ares, the Greek god of War. And some, are prettier than others, such as Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of Beauty. But these gods are not truly wise. They are not truly strong. They are not truly beautiful within. They were born with these gifts and they take these gifts for granted.
For some gods and goddesses, they earn their gifts and they earn their powers through experience, triumph and loss, love and hatred. They get tons of bumps and bruises, and scrapes and cuts, but a true god or goddess would not give up. This process, of mortals becoming immortals, happens very rarely. But when it happens, no one, must ever, forget.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She jumped up, and looked around. o Where... Where am I?o She asked herself. There were trees surrounded her, and she was in a small clearing. She reached her hand up to scratch her neck, only to realize, it wasno t her neck that was itchy, it was her throat. Her throat was itching for some water. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and listened for water. She heard the chirping of birds, the squeaking of mice, the thud of rabbits landing in leaf piles, and the rushing, of a cool creek.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±o s eyes snapped open, and she turned and ran. Water must be somewhere. She ran and ran, until she came across a creaking noise. She looked around, her heart beating fast. o I want to go home,o she whispered, in a barely audible voice. But no response came. A thought zipped across her mind. She didno t know where home was. She started to panic, and she racked her brain for some sort of memory.
But she could find none.
Her breathing quickened, and her eyes widened. What was she going to do? She started hyperventilating, when the creaking came to a frightening stop. She snapped her head back and looked around. She looked at a very large tree, and ito s trunk started rocking back and forth. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± started to slowly walk backwards, afraid to get flattened, but too frightened to move any quicker. There was a crack, and the sound of air whizzing back, and a loud, thud.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± looked, astonished. The tree, the one that looked so large and healthy, had toppled over, and now lay in front of her, forbidding her to pass. Why didno t she go before? She couldo ve made it! She needed to get to that creek. What Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± needed, was not a delay, but that water. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± felt anger pulse in her veins. o I.. Need... WATER!o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± ran at the trunk and beat at it, to no avail. She felt tears trickle down her face. She squinted her eyes and squeezed them away. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± took deep breaths and seemed to calm down, when all of the sudden, she screamed and ran at the trunk again, and punched it with all her might. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± fell down, and clutched her hand. She gasped for air, and with a tiny spark of bravery, looked down at her surely crippled hand. The sight was revolting. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± was so shocked that she couldno t think of words to describe how awful it was. She ripped off part of her shirt with her good hand, and wrapped it around her crippled one. She felt that she had the right to stay sitting there, and cry, but what good would that do her? She stood up, and with nerves shaking her up and down, she looked at the trunk. How could she get to the creek, when the trunk was blocking her so viciously? Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± squinted her eyes and surveyed the trunk.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± saw a little hole in the trunk, that could fit her foot perfectly. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± walked up to the trunk, and put her good hand on a branch that stuck out and seemed sturdy. She lifted herself up until she could put her foot in the hole. She stopped to catch her breath, then looked for another branch. She found a smaller one, and put her crippled hand on it. She pulled herself up, and up, until she was at the top of the trunk. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± looked around, and could see the forest, and jumped excitedly, happy that she could climb the trunk. But then she looked down.
How was she supposed to get down? She was at least ten or more feet above the ground, considering the ground was uneven. Perfect. She couldno t really climb down, since the trunk is curved. Well, she could, but that would be insanely difficult.
Sssssss..... What was that noise? Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± looked around, and up, but didno t see anything. Ssssssssss..... She looked up again, and saw pretty leaves hanging from the branches, and a couple vines. Ssssssss.... Vines that were moving. SSSSSsssss.... Closer to her. There was a small thud and a loud hiss. A snake was on the trunk, and was slithering closer to her, head arched back, preparing to strike. There was another thud, another snake. And another. And another. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± was being surrounded by snakes, and they looked pretty poisonous. Spikes of fear stabbed her. What was she going to do?
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± prepared to jump, but then hesitated. If she jumped, she could hurt her legs, and then she wouldno t be able to run well, and then other creatures could chase her down. Without her legs, sheo d be dead. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± turned around, her heart beating fast. She didno t want to kill the creatures. That would be cruel. They probably think that theyo re protecting their families. But, snakes were Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±o s biggest fear. She started breathing quickly, sucking her breaths in and out without really appreciating the air flowing in and out of her lungs. The blood in her veins throbbed. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± started to cry, but realized, if she cried, she was giving up. And she knew that giving up was not brave, and she wanted to be able to live and tell people, that she was brave. o AGGHHHHHH!o she screamed, and she ran at one of the snakes. She grabbed it right below ito s head so it couldno t reach back and bite her. She ran and grabbed another snake and she tied them together in a little knot. She did this to another two snakes, and she tossed them off the trunk, on the side she climbed up on. She looked at the remaining snakes, and mustered a hiss that couldo ve scared king snakes. She smiled pleasantly as the remaining snakes hissed back, and slithered away.
After Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± calmed down from the snake encounter, she jumped up and grabbed one of the real vines that hung above her, and pulled it down. It toppled in down in front of her, and she unraveled it and tied part of it to a branch that was sticking up on the trunk. She threw the rest of the vine off the trunk, and climbed off the trunk, using the vine as her ladder. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± smiled, as she jumped off the vine and her feet hit the ground. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± examined herself to look for any injuries. Other than her hand, she was good.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± tried to exclaim in her moment of happiness, but her throat was too dry to do so. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±o s smile vanished, and she continued her journey to the creek.
With every step she took, her long for water grew worse and worse. She wanted to lie down and never wake up, but that wouldno t do her any good. She had barely lived her life, and like they say, o The brave dono t live forever, but the cautious dono t live at all.o And she really, really, wanted to live.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± continued on, until she heard the rushing of the creek again. She could smell the fresh water bouncing against the rocks, causing ripples. She could hear the creek refresh the fish trying to swim. And she could hear the want in her mind. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± started running towards the noise, and burst through bunches of trees and bushes, and stopped when she came to another clearing. The creek was in front of her. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± smiled with joy and leaped forward. The mud covered her legs, but she didno t care. All she had to do was stick her hands in the water and bring it to her lips...
There was a sniffle.
o H-hello?o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± croaked. o Whoo s there?o
There was a gasp and a shuffling, and then silence.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± stood up. She called out again. There was no answer. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± shrugged it off and kneeled by the creek again, when she heard a moan.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± jumped up and looked, and saw a water nymph, whose head was sticking out of the wide creek. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± rushed over, before the nymph could hide again.
o Hi. Whato s the matter?o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± croaked, with much difficulty.
The nymph looked frightened, and backed away.
o I wono t hurt you, I promise.o
The nymph looked skeptical for a second, but burst out crying again.
o Whato s wrong?o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± pushed.
The nymph sniffled, and looked up at Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±. o Nobody likes me.o
o Io m sure thato s not true. Here, let me introduce myself. Io m Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±.o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± pushed on a small smile, even though it took much of her energy. She needed water, and she needed it soon, but it didno t seem right to drink while this nymph was so sad. o Whato s your name?o
o Naiadra.o
o Why dono t you think that anyone likes you?o
Naiadra looked up at Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, and her eyes were full of tears that could fall at any given time. o There are no other nymphs in this creek, so the only people I meet are people who come to this creek to drink my water. That is all. They dono t bother to talk to me or thank me for this water. It makes me feel useless and unwanted!o
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± felt great sympathy for Naiadra. o Naiadra, I haveno t yet taken even the smallest sip of this water but it looks great. And Io d like to thank you for putting it here, and letting us drink. If I could give you a gift or bestow a blessing upon you, I would do it with less hesitation than the time it takes to blink one eye.o
Naiadra looked up at Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. o You really would?o
o Yes! Of course I would! You are amazing and you shouldno t be treated in any other way.o
o Thank youo , Naiadra said, with a blush. She looked down modestly, and Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± could tell that it wasno t enough.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± went back into the forest and picked up some flowers of many shades. She picked up flowers of purple and pink colors and some of yellow. She wondered further and further, until she found a blue rose. Perfect, she thought. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± sat down next to a tree, and leaned against it. She wove the flowers into a beautiful headband, with the blue rose in the center. She got up, and headed back to the creek, and sat down next to Naiadra. o Here,o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± said, with a smile on her face, as she handed the headband to Naidra. o If you were this, youo ll always remember how thankful I truly am for this water, and youo ll always know that you are truly beautiful.o
Naiadra took the headband and put it on without hesitation, and she smiled and cried with tears of joy. o Thank you, thank you so much.o Naiadra hugged Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, and then jumped back into the creek, and seemed to vanish.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± smiled to herself, then looked at the creek longingly. She cupped her hands, and placed them in the water. She brought her hands to her mouth, and enjoyed the cool water slither down her throat. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± gulped down tons more, until her belly was full. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± realized that sheo d be thirsty again, so she went back into the forest and gathered some long grass. She wove them together into a little cup, and filled it with water. She created a little strap, and wove that into the cup, and put it over her shoulder. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± traveled on.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± stopped. Where was she going? She was confident in herself up until this point. She had nowhere to go. No friends. No family. What was she doing?
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± shook her head. She cano t think like that. There has to be something that she belongs to. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± shook the feeling off and continued walking. Suddenly, there was a bright light. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± had to squint her eyes until they were barely open.
She covered her eyes with her hands and waited until the light dimmed. When uncovered her eyes, her eyes widened. o W-who are..o She couldno t speak. Fear numbed her body. She mustered as much courage as she could within her, and faced the man who looked down upon her. o Who are you?o She stammered, with as strong of a voice as she could.
o I am the King of the Gods. I am here to take you away.o The man said, his voice booming.
o Take me away? Take me where?o
o I am here to take you to the home of the Gods.o
o Why?o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± questioned.
o Because you have proven yourself worthy of a Godly throne.o The man looked down at Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, smiling smugly, as if he had won a debate. o You have faced some challenges. Not too many, but enough of powerful difficulty to prove yourself worthy. You have shown fear.o
o Yeah? Whato s so could about that,o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± spat.
o You overcame that fear. You showed courage. You showed kindness by letting those snakes live, even if they were in a... knot.o
o It was nothing, really,o Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± muttered.
o And when it came time to reach the creek, you put someone elseo s feelings first, instead of your own needs and desperation for hydration. You made that person feel special and unique, and truly beautiful. You showed great compassion.o
o I was being myself.o
o Which is all the more reason to reward you. You showed true beauty, which is the most anyone can ask for. The Gods of Olympus would like to bestow upon you a Godly title. What you become a goddess of, is up to you, Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±.o
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± looked astonished, and realized, this was not a joke. She thought for a moment, and looked up at the King of Gods. o Io d like to become Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, the Goddess of Bravery.o
A loud laugh echoed throughout the forest. o The Goddess of Bravery? How will that do anyone any good? Thato s the most ridiculous request Io ve ever heard.o
Anger welled up in Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±. Her face flushed with red. o If I were to become the Goddess of Bravery, I could bless those who try to do the right thing, when no good returns to them. I could bless those who have much difficulty in their life and are treated with much unkindness, and I could bestow bravery upon them, so they may lead a happier life. So they may speak up for themselves. So they will not be lost in the shadows because gods like you areno t truly there for them.o
The chuckle that lasted the Kingo s face, vanished. o You do show much bravery, Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±. Especially if youo re willing to be that disrespectful to a god. I suppose that proves that you are worthy to be the Goddess of Bravery,o he huffed.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± smiled. o I believe it does.o
The King of the Gods slammed his staff against the ground twice, and they were both immediately sent to Olympus, where Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± was seated on her throne. She became known as what she wished to be known as, Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, the Goddess of Bravery, and her symbol, is the Blue Rose.
There were many ceremonies created and planned for Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, and hundreds of thousands of temples were built in her honor. Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± would grant those of true heart one trait of bravery, so that they have hope to earn the rest, so they might be brave the rest of their days. She would grant them the ability to overcome fear, she would grant them courage, kindness, and compassion. And for those that did not feel loved, she would place a gift beside their place of rest, that would make them believe that they are truly beautiful.
Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î± did not just show bravery. She showed true wisdom, true strength, and true beauty, which she was not born with. She earned it.
All hail, Î±Î½Î´Ï ÎµÎ¯Î±, the Goddess of Bravery.