Description from original post (created 2013-10-14 05:37):
Contest Entry by TheLEGOTimeLord
[8th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
I went on a mission, only me. Well, thereis a robot, Golly. Just to take photos. We're 9800 miles away from the Earth by now. It was very hard to say 'Goodbye' to my folks.
[10th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
I'm on a Mission called 'Devil's Planet'. It's actually very close to the Black Hole. I'm heading to the planet 'Sotarchu'. It's in an apsolute dark. About several million miles away from Earth. I'm now more than 100.000 away from my dear, warm home.
[11th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
We gained a speed-up. Golly and I. That robot is really cute. It could be hard as a devil sometimes. We're having a great time. Especially when we're playing some card or board games. We're movin 1.000 miles per hour now. I got a report recently. It says they're all with me. Tracking me on TV. Whole World! I don't know how to feel. Be happy for the attention, or be sad for my family.
[12th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
It came to my mind that I didn't say what morewas in the report. They have told me that I'm goingto travel more than 250 miles per second. But, when time comes. Golly beat me in UNO three times yesterday. Robot's Mind!
[19th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
Day has come - I'm ravelling extremely fast. I'm now more than a million miles away from Earth. Space is beatiful. All those colors and flashing lights... a song for my eyes!
[24th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End] - Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve. Golly probably has a bbug in the system. Because she's saying 'Merry Christmas' to me all day. Or maybe she's true. Time difference, my mind, maybe MY bugs... I'm 4 million miles away from Earth. I got a report today - I should reach the planet on New Year's Eve.
[25th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End] - Christmas Day
Christmas. I didn't get any report. I had a fun time with Golly. Cheers to all! Myfamily is probably eating lasagne, as we do every year on Christmas. But I wonder who'll bake it now, because I did it every year. Bake it and slice it... My family...
[28th December, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End]
I'm now about 9 million miles away from Earth. In a report from yesterday they've said that my family contacted NASA. They didn't have lasagne for dinner. They said they'll have it the day I come back. And that they'll bake it. And slice it. God, how I miss my family!
[31stDecember, Yearof 349 by The Collapse End] - New Year's Eve
I'm only about 500.000 miles away from the planet. It's almost midnight. I got a video-message today. It's from more than a million people montaged they're saying me 'Happy New Year'. Well, then.
Happy New Year!
[1st January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End] - New Year
I reached the planet. What is happening here? Golly is following me in steps... She's taking pictures. I see a red light. WHAT?
[2nd January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End]
Barely reached my notes book. He destroyed Golly. I can feel him in myself, now.
[3rd January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End]
Heis inme. I got into the shuttle. I looked myself in the mirror. (Skin)
[4th January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End]
I can barely handle myself. He's taking control over me. SOMEBODY HELP!
[5th January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End]
I'm OK with the fact I can't return to Earth. Scars are stronger, he is stronger.
[6th January, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End]
I'm waiting for someone to come and to shoot me. I love my family...
[14th February, Yearof 350 by The Collapse End] - Valentine's Day
Morre than a monthh of pains. UI can barellsy wwrite something. Thhey''re heeref. I can seee thteme in thee shadowss. They''re abouttt to shooot. I'm finnne. I llove my famimily. I haad a nic .
Skin by TheLEGOTimeLord.
Story by TheLEGOTimeLord.
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