Android Red was a machine used by a company called Red Metal, mainly used to burn unwanted material. She enjoyed doing her job, or at least she thought she did. Being a robot, she didn't have any instincts about what fun was like. She often saw some of the workers making noises with their mouths, something that she could not do. She eventually got curious enough to get out of her position, and fly around. That was the most fun that she had since she was created. Luckily no one was around, so her cover never got blown. She continued to do her job for a few more years, getting up every night. But then she saw it. The company added windows to their building. She saw the intense light coming from above that she had never seen before. If only she could get out and explore. The day after the windows got put in, there was an earthquake. A few of the workers died, the president had a brick fall onto his head, which had knocked his entire memory of his life right out of him. Red had her legs injured, therefore she lost the ability to fly. Her flames went black. The entire building was destroyed and the company was sold. Red was left homeless without any friends or anywhere to live. Then, another robot flew right by her at the speed of light. It was then that Android Electric turned around and said, "Continue the story at Electric's Page: Coming Soon"