Description from original post (created 2013-06-21 18:39):
Once upon a time there was a girl, and there still is one. She felt a bit lost and needed a bit of help. So, she turned to a game. People called her noob (da h3ll is that?) and she was more awkward than EVER.That game was called Minecraft. She shared an account with her brother so it never really mattered what she wore as a skin because she would only play like her brother, quiet and funny when the joke opportunity revealed itself.
(Even though her jokes SUCKED.)
As time went on she found herself lost in the game. But she never liked people calling her dude or bro, although she called other girls that. So she begged her brother to let her change the skin, he agreed as long as she changed it back. (She never did that but he was to stupid to realize) She agreed. The next day she went on a search to find a server. She found a site where she could make an account and favorite skins and favorite servers. (PERFECT!)
She found herself so bored she would write blogs every time she wrote one, she signed off with XOXO -Sissy it made her very happy for some reason (I don't know don't ask). All she really wanted to do was make skins but she had no idea how to. All the tutorials were to complicated. However she looked it up on google. She found this site filled with glorious skins... but she had seen them all before. Plus they had terrible titles with terrible grammar. But it was the only thing she had so she edited a base for a skin. Posted it, and it never got reported. She was so happy that she was caught up in the moment, and decided to strait up steal a skin.
She didn't get caught.
So she did it again. This time she got caught. (Thank god she did -thank you nefashus-)
She was so angry! She was so caught up in stealing that she seriously felt like she made the skin. So she desided to start making skins from bases (she never gave credit sadly) but it was a start. She never got the inside colored. She liked to talk funny so people made fun of her. (She Typed Like This) So she stopped writing blogs. Eventually one of her friends taught her good grammar, and she liked it so she used it and then she made fun of people who typed with bad grammar (ie; leik, kewl, and gewd) She tried shading (da fuq was that) She got 2 subs, she went crazy. Eventually she shading evolved into something beautiful. (To her) She finally felt accepted.
Suddenly she became back to her old ways. She was lost once more. She was going insane, hopeless, scared. She couldnt take it. She stopped posting for a couple days and came back to a single PM. From her idol Aquatta, Aquatta was just starting out, like her. She asked a derp question and kinda asked if we could be friends. she was like "OMG THIS IS WHAT YOU DO AND I LOVE YOU CAN YOU BE MY BFF!?" They weren't very close, not yet.
As time went on and she started not using a base, she started to blog once more. She sucked though, but she wrote blogs. She had a ton of inside jokes with a ton of people. It all seemed to be coming together, 50 subscribers then one day something epic happened. PonnyGoggles.
Pony subbed her and she sent Pony a PM that said: "OMG YOU SUBBED ME AM I THAT GOOD THANKYOUTHANKYOU" And Pony said: "Uh its nothing I like your skins... <->" (Dafuuuuuuuqqqqq)
Around 3 months later she finally found her shading, her friends, and her life all in order. But one by one it each crumbled, hardly any friends (thankyouaquattaforbeingthere). Shading didn't really matter to her anymore, so she didn't really try, and life hurt to get up and try. So she stopped.
Stopped trying, stopped everything. She wrote a blog about leaving (as she had done countless times.) It got removed (Thanks OliverFrenchie<3). Claiming that she was begging for sympathy *not those exact words*. AT first she was enraged, but she was crying out for some flipping sympathy, so she went to go to bed, and hoped she wouldnt wake up.
She did wake up. So she tried living life happily, so she went to visit familly, and she said aloud "I wish I could start over" her nephew took her seriously and deleted all of her submissions. Except one. Feeling the need to start over she reluctantly deleted it.
Around 4 months later it was her freakin' 1 year anniversary of being on PMC. Thank you guys. I love you.
TL;DR Sisil:
GUISE I HAD A HEKTIC WHOLE YEAR OF PMC. <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH! Kthnxbai. No srsly thats it go. I don't even like you that much. kkbye. OH WHEN I SAID THANKS TO THE MODS I ACTUALLY MEANT IT. Not like Not like the thanks where you mean "Good job I hate you" No I really meant it.<3 Oh and I know it isn't really my exact day of being on PMC but I won't be available that day so I just posted i now
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